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Susie Lee's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NV) - District 3

Date Title
02/10/2022 Rep. Susie Lee, Rep. Michelle Steel Announce Introduction of Hire Student Veterans Act
02/04/2022 Reps. Lee and Fitzpatrick, Sens. Rosen and Blackburn Announce Introduction of Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Support & Expand Cybersecurity Apprenticeships
02/03/2022 Rosen, Blackburn, Lee, Fitzpatrick Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Support & Expand Cybersecurity Apprenticeships
05/15/2020 Rep. Lee's Provisions to Increase Aid for Nevada Medicaid, Local Governments Pass in Heroes Act
05/01/2020 In Response to Rising Unemployment, Rep. Susie Lee, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Invest $15 Billion in Workforce Training Needed to Relaunch the Economy
04/23/2020 Rep. Lee on Interim COVID-19 Relief Package: Necessary, but Not Perfect
04/15/2020 Nevada House Delegation Statement on SBA's Updated Paycheck Protection Program Guidelines for Gaming Small Businesses
04/01/2020 Reps. Lee, Grothman Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Support Older American Employment Program Amid COVID-19
03/11/2020 O'Halleran Leads Bipartisan Group to Introduce Legislation Expanding Solar Job Training for Veterans
03/05/2020 Rep. Susie Lee, House Pass Pay Raise, Workplace Protections for TSA Workers
03/04/2020 Rep. Susie Lee: "Apprenticeships Are Key to Workforce Development"
09/19/2019 Scott, Kaine Introduce Legislation to Support Direct Care Workers
07/18/2019 Rep. Susie Lee Helps Pass Raise the Wage Act, Increasing Wages for over 500,000 Nevada Workers
05/03/2019 Schakowsky Leads Letter to SSA Demanding the Abandonment of Anti-Union Policies
01/30/2019 Rep. Susie Lee Joins Colleagues in Introducing the Paycheck Fairness Act