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Jacky Rosen's Public Statements on Issue: Education


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (NV) - Jr

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Date Title
01/14/2022 Rosen Joins Inhofe to Introduce Bipartisan Medical Student Education Authorization Act
12/15/2021 Rosen, Collins Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Include Accounting in STEM K-12 Education
12/09/2021 Rosen, Portman Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Help Foster and Homeless Youth Pursue Higher Education
11/18/2021 Baldwin, Collins, Rosen, Murkowski Lead Bipartisan Legislation to Grow and Support the Infectious Disease and Pandemic Preparedness Workforce
05/12/2021 Three Bipartisan Rosen Amendments to Promote STEM Education, Support Manufacturing Efforts Pass Senate Com
03/01/2021 Rosen Votes to Confirm Cardona as Secretary of Education
01/27/2021 Rosen Statement Commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day
12/21/2020 Rosen Statement Following Vote to Pass Government Funding and COVID-19 Relief Package
11/20/2020 Rosen Speaks at Anti-Defamation League Panel, Discusses Need for Comprehensive Holocaust Education
10/13/2020 Rosen Holds Virtual Roundtable with UNLV & UNR Student Veterans
09/18/2020 During Hispanic Heritage Month, Rosen Co-Sponsors Bipartisan Resolution Honoring Hispanic-Serving Institutions
09/18/2020 Rosen Statement on Holocaust Survey's Shocking Findings
08/27/2020 Rosen Announces $300,000 in Grant Funding to Support AANAPI Education at UNLV
05/29/2020 Rosen-Led Never Again Education Act Signed into Law
05/14/2020 Sen. Cramer: Congress Passes Never Again Education Act
01/27/2020 Sen. Cramer, Colleagues Welcome House Passage of Never Again Act to Support Holocaust Education
01/02/2020 Rosen Highlights 2019 Nevada Women in STEM Honorees, Encourages Submissions for Candidates for 2020
12/26/2019 Rosen's Bipartisan Building Blocks of STEM Act Signed Into Law
12/13/2019 Romney Joins Colleagues in Introducing Bill to Support Computer Science Students and Educators
12/11/2019 Senators Lankford, Rosen Statements on Executive Order to Combat Anti-Semitism
12/10/2019 Rosen Releases Statement Celebrating Computer Science Education Week
12/09/2019 Rosen's Bipartisan Building Blocks of STEM Act Passes House, Heads to President's Desk to be Signed into Law
11/22/2019 Cortez Masto, Rosen Applaud $717,000 in Grants for Rural Access to Health Care and Education
11/13/2019 Rosen-Backed HACKED Act Passes Out of Senate Commerce Committee
11/05/2019 Rosen Helps Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Expand, Bolster Federal Cybersecurity Programs

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