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Jacky Rosen's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (NV) - Jr

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Date Title
02/04/2022 Reps. Lee and Fitzpatrick, Sens. Rosen and Blackburn Announce Introduction of Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Support & Expand Cybersecurity Apprenticeships
02/03/2022 Rosen, Blackburn, Lee, Fitzpatrick Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Support & Expand Cybersecurity Apprenticeships
02/01/2022 Support Builds for Bipartisan Legislation Led by Klobuchar to Build Healthcare Workforce in Medically Underserved Areas
05/12/2021 Three Bipartisan Rosen Amendments to Promote STEM Education, Support Manufacturing Efforts Pass Senate Com
03/31/2021 Rosen Addresses AFGE Congressional Town Hall
08/20/2020 Rosen Addresses Nevada AFL-CIO Virtual Convention
08/14/2020 Rosen Announces Nearly $630,000 in Grants for Nevada Native American Tribes and Organizations
04/21/2020 Cortez Masto, Rosen Statement on Senate Compromise to Provide Additional Relief to Nevada Small Businesses and Health Care Providers
04/17/2020 Following Call for Reform, Rosen Applauds Adoption of New Regulatory Relief Measure to Help Cities During COVID-19 Pandemic
04/17/2020 Rep. Titus Introduces Bill to Help Local Businesses Access SBA Loans
03/05/2020 Feinstein, Cortez Masto, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Increase Diversity in Corporate Leadership
02/28/2020 Gardner, Peters, Sullivan, Rosen, Cortez Masto Announce Bipartisan Legislation to Strengthen Transportation Industry Workforce
01/15/2020 Torres Leads Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation for Advanced Manufacturing Jobs
01/14/2020 Rosen, Blackburn Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Support American Manufacturing Jobs
11/13/2019 Rosen-Backed HACKED Act Passes Out of Senate Commerce Committee
09/19/2019 Rosen Applauds Rapid Growth of Nevada Software Jobs
05/02/2019 House and Senate Democrats Unveil Landmark Legislation to Protect Workers' Right to Organize
04/02/2019 Rosen Urges Vote on Paycheck Fairness Act on Equal Pay Day
02/26/2019 Rosen, Colleagues Introduce the Bipartisan Hire Student Veterans Act
02/13/2019 Rosen Helps Introduce Bill to Guarantee Paid Family Leave
01/30/2019 Rosen Calls for Gender Pay Parity, Co-Sponsors Paycheck Fairness Act
05/02/2018 During National Small Business Week, Rosen Urges House Appropriators to Fund Programs to Help Neveda's Entrepreneurs and Workforce
06/13/2017 Rosen Votes for Bipartisan Legislation to Improve VA Accountability
06/02/2017 Rosen Statement on May Jobs Report
04/04/2017 Rosen Cosponsors Paycheck Fairness Act on Equal Pay Day

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