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Jacky Rosen's Public Statements on Issue: Environment


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (NV) - Jr

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Date Title
01/20/2022 Rosen Helps Introduce Landmark Bipartisan Climate Resilience Legislation
12/21/2021 Rosen Announces $40 Million in Funding to Address Drought Impacting Lake Mead
03/04/2020 Cardin, Barrasso Lead Senate Recognition of US-Australian Firefighting Cooperation
12/03/2019 Rosen, Cortez Masto Applaud Over $500,000 in NSF Grant Awarded to University of Nevada Reno
11/21/2019 Rosen Co-Sponsors Bipartisan Public Land Renewable Energy Development Act
10/31/2019 Rosen Education, Health, and Conservation Amendments Passed by Senate
10/28/2019 Rosen Files Amendments to Improve Access to Housing, Health, and Education Programs, Support Environmental Conservation and Restoration for Nevada in FY 2020 Appropriations Package
10/19/2019 Rosen Tours Wetlands Park, Discusses Need to Fully Fund Conservation Efforts
08/22/2019 Rosen Co-Sponsors Renewable Electricity Standard Act
08/19/2019 Rosen Joins Cortez Masto in Co-Sponsoring Clean Vehicles Legislative Package
08/16/2019 Rosen Co-Sponsors Bipartisan Forest Management for Rural Stability Act
07/25/2019 Cortez Masto introduces Renewable Energy Extension Act
09/18/2018 Rosen Bill to Extend Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Gains Momentum in Senate
05/10/2018 Rosen Denounces House Passage of Reckless Bill to Revive Yucca Mountain Project
05/04/2018 Rep. Rosen Files Amendment to Repurpose Yucca Mountain Project, Create Jobs for Nevadans
04/26/2018 Rosen Introduces Legislation to Repurpose Yucca Mountain and Create Nevada Jobs
03/05/2018 Rosen Sends Letter Urging House, Senate Appropriators To Not Fund Yucca In Omnibus
09/18/2017 Rosen Statement on Trump Administration's Effort to Downsize Gold Butte
07/19/2017 Rep. Rosen Joins Rep. Kihuen in Introducing Amendment to Strike Funding for Yucca Mountain
07/10/2017 Rep. Rosen Commemorates Two Year Anniversary of Basin and Range, Reaffirming Commitment to Protect Nevada's National Monuments
06/28/2017 Rosen Statement on Passage of Shimkus' Bill to Restart Yucca Mountain
06/20/2017 The Only 'Moral Obligation' We Have is to Keep Nevadans Safe
06/01/2017 Rosen Statement on the Trump Administration's Decision to Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord
05/01/2017 Reps. Kihuen, Rosen Joint Statement on Decision to Not Include Funding for Yucca Mountain in Bill to Keep Government Open
04/26/2017 Rep. Rosen Testifies Against Yucca Mountain, Tells Chairman to Stop Wasting Billions in Taxpayer Money on a Project That's Been Dead for Over 30 Years

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