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Jacky Rosen's Public Statements on Issue: Military Personnel


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (NV) - Jr

Date Title
07/01/2022 Rosen, Colleagues Call on Pentagon to Protect Female Servicemembers' Reproductive Rights
06/22/2022 Rosen, Blackburn, Horsford Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Expand Tax Relief for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Crews Operating in Combat Zones
03/10/2022 Rosen Helps Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Address Hunger in the Military
02/17/2022 Senate Passes Rosen-Backed Bipartisan Bill to Provide Health Care Coverage for Veterans Exposed to Toxins
07/29/2021 Rosen, Rounds Introduce Bipartisan Bill that Would Require Public Disclosure of Highly Toxic Chemicals at Military Installations
07/13/2021 Rosen Secures Commitment from Navy Secretary Nominee to Meet with Tribal Leaders as the Navy Pursues NAS Fallon Expansion
07/08/2021 Rosen Visits Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases, Meets with Airmen and Leadership
05/07/2021 Rosen Helps Introduce the Bipartisan, Bicameral Military Hunger Prevention Act to Help Military Families Struggling with Food Insecurity
02/25/2021 Rosen Helps Reintroduce Legislation to Ensure Air America Employees Receive Earned Federal Retirement Benefits
02/02/2021 Rosen Announces Appointment to Senate Armed Services Committee
01/22/2021 Rosen, Cortez Masto Meet with Nevada National Guard Members Protecting the U.S. Capitol
10/23/2020 Cotton, Colleagues Introduce Resolution Honoring Beirut Bombing Victims
08/13/2018 Rosen Provisions Signed Into Law as Part of Annual Defense Authorization Bill
07/27/2018 Rosen Announces Ndaa Conference Report, Which Passed House Yesterday, Includes Pay Increase for Military Personnel, Rosen's Amendment to Close Dangerous Ucmj Loophole
06/27/2018 Knight Introduces Solar Vets Act
03/01/2018 Rosen Co-leads Bipartisan Health Coverage For Reservists And Guardsmen Act
10/27/2017 Rep. Jacky Rosen Helps Introduce Bill to Increase Compensation and Benefits for Gold Star Families
06/27/2017 Rep. Rosen Joins House Armed Services Democrats to Introduce Legislation that Gives Our Troops a Raise