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Mary Fallin's Public Statements on Issue: Federal, State and Local Relations

Date Title
10/06/2014 Gov. Fallin Responds to SCOTUS Decision to Allow Gay Marriage
08/28/2014 Governor Mary Fallin to President Obama: Stop Playing Politics with Our Children's Education
08/14/2014 Inhofe, Fallin Praise Full, Permanent Restoration of Surplus Equipment Programs
03/24/2014 Governor Mary Fallin Statement on Common Core Legislation
01/15/2014 Gov. Mary Fallin Delivers NGA State of the States Address
12/04/2013 Gov. Fallin Issues Executive Order Regarding the Adoption of More Rigorous Academic Standards
05/21/2013 Gov. Fallin Announces Federal Assistance Granted for Oklahomans Devastated by Tornadoes
04/26/2013 Gov. Fallin to Address Legislators from Across the United States
03/28/2013 State of Oklahoma Requests Federal Major Disaster Declaration for February Snow
11/09/2011 Governor Fallin Signs Agreement with Other States Seeking Increased Use of Natural Gas Vehicles
02/11/2011 Governor Fallin Joins GOP Governors Seeking Expedited Court Review of Federal Health Care Bill
01/08/2011 Oklahoma AG-elect Will File Lawsuit Against Federal Health Care Bill
08/10/2010 Fallin Says Latest Bailout Rewards States Who Spent Recklessly
06/10/2010 Fallin Signs Amicus Brief to Strike Down Unconstitutional Health Care Bill
04/21/2010 Western Lawmakers Join In Opposition Of Bill To Allow Federal Regulation Of All U.S. Water
08/19/2009 Fallin Opposes Any Federal Takeover Of Nation's Health Care
07/28/2009 Delegation Questions Justice Department's Threat To Cut Federal Funding
10/23/2008 Fallin Announces Long Awaited Federal Aid for Bethany
12/04/2007 Fallin Passes McGee Creek Bill
06/26/2007 Fallin and Other Republicans Reject Senate Immigration Proposal