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Don Beyer, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Business and Consumers


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (VA) - District 8

Date Title
07/09/2021 Chairman Beyer Applauds Biden's Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy: "A major step in the right direction"
04/07/2021 House Democrats Legislation to Encourage Green Economy & Manufacturing
01/26/2021 Beyer on Yellen Confirmation Vote: It's Important to Have a "Crisis-Tested Trailblazer" Like Yellen Leading Treasury
12/09/2020 Beyer Statement On Reported Nomination Of Katherine Tai To Serve As US Trade Representative Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Print this Page Share by Email
07/02/2020 Vice Chair Beyer on June Jobs Report: "We are still nearly 15 million jobs in the hole."
04/02/2020 Northern Virginia Representatives Urge Lenders To Help Small Businesses In Face Of Chaotic Rollout Of National Assistance Program
12/10/2019 Beyer Statement On Announced USMCA Agreement
12/06/2019 Reps. Kind and Schweikert Lead Bipartisan Resolution Reaffirming United States' Commitment to the World Trade Organization
05/30/2019 Beyer Statement On USMCA
01/15/2019 Reps. Olson, Beyer & Perlmutter Act To Help Federal Employees Hurt By The Partial Government Shutdown
09/23/2016 Van Hollen, Connolly, Beyer Demand Delay of Enrollment Deadline Due to Drastic Insurance Premium Hikes for Some Federal Employees
05/19/2016 Payne, Jr., Nearly 90 Members Issue Joint Statement on Verizon Labor Negotiations
04/06/2016 Rep. Beyer Backs Labor Rule to Protect Savings
12/04/2015 Beyer, Van Hollen Amendment Signed Into Law
11/05/2015 Beyer, Van Hollen Amendment to Stop Predatory Towing Passes House
10/05/2015 Beyer Welcomes TPP Announcement
09/28/2015 Representative Don Beyer and Bloomberg Chairman Peter Grauer Launch Initiatives Promoting U.S. Competitiveness with Women's Economic Empowerment
07/24/2015 Beyer Celebrates 25 Years of Workplace Inclusion
06/04/2015 Why I Support President Obama on Trade
01/14/2015 Beyer Statement on H.R. 37
09/01/2014 On Labor Day