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Don Beyer, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Energy


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (VA) - District 8

Date Title
07/28/2022 Cortez Masto Leads Bicameral Legislation to Protect Consumers and Prevent Energy Market Manipulation
12/17/2019 Bipartisan Bill to Improve Military's Energy Security Included in NDAA
11/19/2019 Beyer Introduces Ambitious Electric Vehicle Legislation
09/25/2019 Bonamici Leads Colleagues in Resolution Recognizing Need to Take Action on Climate after Dire IPCC Ocean and Cryosphere Report
11/30/2018 Beyer Calls For Swift Action On Legislation To Block Seismic Airgun Blasting
07/19/2018 Safe Climate Caucus: Republican Leadership Lacks Solutions to Address Climate Change Already Impacting Americans
06/01/2018 Beyer: "Trump Is Ginning Up A Fake Grid Emergency To Bail Out Donors… While Ignoring A Real Grid Emergency That Has Killed Thousands of Americans In Puerto Rico"
02/12/2018 Beyer: Trump Proposal "Contains Neither An Infrastructure Plan Nor $1.5 Trillion In Investments"
10/11/2017 Safe Climate Caucus Co-Chairs' Statement on Trump Administration Proposal to Eliminate Clean Power Plan
07/12/2017 Crist Offers Bipartisan Amendment to Protect Military Readiness from Offshore Drilling
04/28/2017 Beyer Statement on Trump Executive Order on Drilling
03/28/2017 Safe Climate Caucus Co-Chairs Lowenthal and Beyer React To Trump Executive Orders on Climate
01/06/2017 Beyer Hails President Obama's Decision To Deny All Permits For Seismic Airgun Blasting In Atlantic Ocean
12/13/2016 Beyer Assails Triumvirate of Anti-Environment Cabinet Nominees
04/25/2016 Atlantic Coast Members of Congress Thank Obama for Decision To Remove Atlantic States From Offshore Drilling Program
08/03/2015 Beyer Supports President Obama's Clean Power Plan
01/14/2015 Voting Against the Keystone Pipeline
09/01/2014 On Labor Day