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Don Beyer, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Environment


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (VA) - District 8

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Date Title
09/28/2022 Chairman Beyer Introduces Bill to Address Methane Super-Emitters in Oil and Gas Operations
03/16/2022 Letter to James Murray, Director of the US Secret Service, Stephen Dickson, Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration - Beyer Requests Halt To Route Changes As Increasing Flights Drive Regional Airplane Noise To Pre-Pandemic Levels
02/10/2022 The Hon. Michael S. Regan, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - 92 Representatives Urge EPA To Adopt Strengthened Methane Rules
09/21/2021 Beyer Votes to Keep the Government Open, Deliver Emergency Relief, Prevent Catastrophic Default
09/16/2021 Beyer Statement On USFWS Status Review Of Gray Wolf
09/15/2021 House Ways And Means Committee Advances Build Back Better Act After Marathon Markup
09/10/2021 Beyer, DelBene Introduce Direct Air Capture Legislation
09/10/2021 Beyer Introduces Ejiao Sale Ban to Prevent Donkey Slaughter
09/07/2021 Larson, DelBene, Beyer Introduce Bill to Spur Development of Clean Hydrogen
09/07/2021 Beyer Introduces Electric Vehicle Tax Incentive Legislation
07/01/2021 House Passes Broad Infrastructure Legislation; Bill Includes Beyer Community Funding Requests, Wildlife Conservation Legislation, Suicide Prevention Amendment
06/16/2021 Mast, Beyer Introduce Bipartisan National Ocean and Coastal Security Improvements Act
05/06/2021 Beyer Hails "America The Beautiful" Initiative
04/07/2021 DelBene Introduces Legislation to Encourage Green Economy & Manufacturing
02/05/2021 Chairman Thompson, Ways and Means Democrats Introduce GREEN Act
02/03/2021 Committee Members Celebrate Vacating of EPA Rule to Censor Science
02/03/2021 Committee Members Celebrate Vacating of EPA Rule to Censor Science
12/16/2020 DeFazio, Napolitano, Beyer, and Carper File Amicus Brief over Trump Administration's "Dirty Water Rule"
12/10/2020 Safe Climate Caucus Co-Chairs' Statement and Resolution on the Five-Year Anniversary of the Paris Climate Agreement
07/22/2020 A.T. Caucus Co-Chair Beyer Hails Passage Of Great American Outdoors Act
07/01/2020 Beyer Legislation Featured In Climate Crisis Action Plan
06/25/2020 Schneider Introduces Bill to Promote Cleaner Vehicles, Fight Climate Change
03/12/2020 New Democrat Coalition Continues Leadership on Climate Change
02/06/2020 Congressman Lowenthal Introduces Bill To Protect Federal Lands In Utah As Wilderness
01/08/2020 Congressman Lowenthal Introduces Legislation To Protect Millions Of Migratory Birds Threatened By Trump Administration Actions

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