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Don Beyer, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: National Security


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (VA) - District 8

Date Title
01/06/2022 Beyer Statement On January 6th Anniversary
09/10/2021 Beyer Statement On 20th Anniversary Of September 11 Attacks
05/28/2021 Beyer Statement On January 6 Commission Senate Vote
05/11/2020 Reed: Conditions-Based Unemployment Insurance Plan Will Help Stabilize U.S. Economy & Boost Economic Survival of Workers, Businesses, and Communities
04/01/2020 Beyer Blasts Trump's Refusal To Allow Uninsured Americans To Get Covered During COVID-19 Pandemic
03/27/2020 Joint Economic Committee Vice Chair Beyer's Statement on Passage of Third Coronavirus Stimulus Package
03/26/2020 Vice Chair Beyer: Unprecedented UI Claims "Far Worse" Than Great Recession
01/27/2020 On anniversary of Trump's Muslim ban, Coons, Chu, faith and civil rights leaders call for passage of NO BAN Act
12/17/2019 Bipartisan Bill to Improve Military's Energy Security Included in NDAA
06/19/2019 Norton, Beyer Introduce Bill to Require Uniformed Federal Police Officers to Wear Body Cameras
01/04/2019 Beyer Legislation To Give Federal Employees Affected By Government Shutdown Back Pay Passes House
12/20/2018 Connolly Joins Beyer and Wittman to Introduce Legislation to Protect Federal Employee Pay During Shutdown
02/02/2018 Beyer Statement on the Release of the Nunes Memo
10/02/2017 Beyer Statement on Mass Shooting In Las Vegas
07/10/2017 Jared Kushner Must Resign. If He Will Not, He Should Be Fired.
06/30/2017 Beyer, Connolly Call On Department of Homeland Security To Grant Asylum To Syrian Human Rights Advocate Dr. Radwan Ziadeh
05/17/2017 Beyer Statement on Comey Memo
03/02/2017 Beyer Demands Attorney General Jeff Sessions' Immediate Resignation
01/31/2017 Democratic Members Take Action to Assist People Unlawfully and Unfairly Detained Under Trump's Executive Order
01/30/2017 Democratic Members Take Action to Assist People Unlawfully and Unfairly Detained Under Trump's Executive Order
01/20/2016 Beyer Calls for Congressional Action in Wake of NOAA, NASA Reports
09/16/2015 Virginia Delegation Statement on New GAO Report that Confirms Fort Pickett is Best Site for Embassy Security Training Facility
07/29/2015 Beyer Calls for Action to Address National Security Threats from Climate Change