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Liz Cheney's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

Date Title
05/03/2022 House Passes Cheney's Bipartisan "Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022'
08/16/2021 Cheney On Fox News Radio: Biden's Advisor Is Right. This Isn't Saigon. It's Far Worse.
04/14/2021 Cheney: We Know What Happens If Terrorists Establish Safe Havens; We Must Ensure It Doesn't Happen Again
12/23/2020 Cheney On NDAA: We Must Support Our Troops & Defend Our Nation
12/18/2020 Cheney, Gallagher, Thornberry, Rogers, Turner, Stefanik: As We Respond To Attacks, The NDAA Will Bolster Our Cybersecurity Defenses
06/29/2020 Thornberry And Cheney On White House Briefing
03/11/2020 Cheney: War Powers Resolution Is Another Partisan Attempt To Undermine President Trump
02/07/2020 Cheney: The Death Of Al Qaeda Leader al-Rimi Is Another Victory In Defense Of Our Nation
01/09/2020 Cheney: We Should Never Be In A Position Where We're Tying The President's Hands To Protect America
01/08/2020 Cheney: Speaker Pelosi Blames America In The Wake Of Missiles Raining Down On Our Military Personnel
12/11/2019 Cheney: Our Most Important Duty In Congress Is To Provide For The Defense Our Nation. This Year's NDAA Fulfills That Obligation
10/23/2019 Cheney: "Putting Our Security In The Hands Of Assad, Putin, And Erdogan Strengthens Our Enemies, Weakens America, And Makes Us Less Safe."
10/10/2019 Cheney, Kinzinger, & House GOP Colleagues Introduce Bill To Sanction Turkey Over Their Invasion Of Northern Syria And Attacks On Kurds
10/10/2019 Cheney, Colleagues To Introduce Bill To Sanction Turkey Over Their Invasion Of Northern Syria And Attacks On Kurds
10/09/2019 Cheney: Congress Must Act To Limit The Catastrophic Impact Of Withdrawal Of U.S. Forces From Northern Syria
10/07/2019 Cheney: "Withdrawing U.S. Forces From Northern Syria Is A Catastrophic Mistake"
09/17/2019 Rep. Cheney Named To NDAA Conference Committee
08/13/2019 Cheney On Hugh Hewitt: Don't Put American Security In The Hands of the Taliban
07/23/2019 Cheney: Secretary Esper Will Be A Steadfast Leader for America's Military
06/13/2019 Cheney Statement On NDAA Markup
01/25/2019 Congresswoman Cheney Statement on Committee Assignments for 116th Congress
08/13/2018 Congresswoman Cheney Applauds President Trump Signing FY19 NDAA
02/09/2018 Cheney Votes to Provide Resources For America's Armed Forces
11/15/2017 Congressman Liz Cheney's Statement on the Passage of FY18 NDAA
10/12/2017 Congressman Cheney's Statement on Appointment to National Defense Authorization Act Conference Committee