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Liz Cheney's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

Date Title
07/07/2022 Cheney Co-Sponsors The Critical Minerals Classification Improvement Act
03/18/2021 Cheney Introduces Director Parfitt At AML Hearing; Emphasizes The Crucial Role Of The Coal Industry In Providing Affordable, Reliable Power For The Nation
03/17/2021 Cheney Co-Sponsors Legislation To Support Coal By Expanding Carbon Capture Technology
03/12/2021 Cheney Co-Sponsors Legislation To Advance Carbon Capture, Utilization, & Storage Projects
03/11/2021 Cheney Co-Sponsors Legislation To Support The Coal Industry
02/02/2021 Scalise Joins Republican Colleagues in Introducing Legislation to Authorize Construction and Operation of The Keystone XL Pipeline
01/27/2021 HEAT Members Denounce President Biden's Continued Assault on American Energy Production
01/22/2021 HEAT Members Condemn Biden Administration's 60-Day Ban on Oil and Gas Leases
11/04/2019 Arrington Introduces Resolution Supporting U.S. Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement
03/21/2019 Congresswoman Liz Cheney Statement on Judge Ruling to Block New Oil and Gas Drilling
06/27/2018 Bills Increasing Responsible Energy Development, Public Education Funding Pass Committee
06/13/2018 Congresswoman Cheney Introduces Removing Barriers to Energy Independence Act
10/10/2017 Wyoming delegation applauds decision to end Obama-era Clean Power Plan regulation
07/28/2017 Congressman Cheney Introduces Legislation to Fight Future Coal Lease Bans
10/19/2016 Petroleum Association of Wyoming Endorses Liz Cheney for Congress
10/19/2016 ICYMI: Ryan Greene Endorses Hillary Clinton