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Liz Cheney's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch

Date Title
01/13/2021 Carper Statement on House Impeachment Vote
03/11/2020 Cheney: War Powers Resolution Is Another Partisan Attempt To Undermine President Trump
02/05/2020 Cheney: The President Has Been Acquitted; The American People Will Hold Democrats Accountable For Abandoning The Constitution
02/05/2020 Cheney: Speaker Pelosi Brought Dishonor On The House…She Owes The American People An Apology
02/04/2020 Cheney: President Trump's Speech Was Excellent; Speaker Pelosi Had A Tantrum And Disgraced Herself
01/09/2020 Cheney: We Should Never Be In A Position Where We're Tying The President's Hands To Protect America
12/12/2019 Aurelia Skipwith Confirmed to Lead USFWS
12/05/2019 McKinley, Coal Caucus Members Host Meeting with DOE Assistant Secretary Steve Winberg
10/21/2019 Cheney Votes In Favor Of Censuring Adam Schiff
09/24/2019 Rep. Cheney Statement On Speaker Pelosi Launching Impeachment Inquiry Into President Trump
09/13/2019 Cheney: The Contrast Could Not Be Clearer
07/23/2019 Cheney: Secretary Esper Will Be A Steadfast Leader for America's Military
06/26/2019 Rep. Cheney Statement On Efforts To Limit The President's Ability To Defend Our Nation
05/29/2019 Cheney Statement on the Special Counsel's Press Conference
04/14/2018 Former Vice President Cheney Statement on President Trump's Full Pardon of Scooter Libby
01/30/2018 Congressman Cheney's Statement on President Trump's State of the Union Address
06/27/2017 EPA, U.S. Army Move to Rescind 2015 "Waters of the U.S."
06/01/2017 Congressman Liz Cheney's Statement on Paris Climate Agreement Withdrawal
03/30/2017 Congressman Cheney Introduces Legislation Prohibiting Future Coal Moratoriums
03/28/2017 Congressman Cheney's Statement on President Trump's Energy Independence Executive Order
01/17/2017 Congressman Cheney Statement on Manning Commutation and Obama Guantanamo Releases