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Ted Budd's Public Statements on Issue: Abortion

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Date Title
07/29/2022 Letter to Attorney General Josh Stein, North Carolina Department of Justice - Tillis, Budd Lead Letter Calling on AG Stein to Protect Crisis Pregnancy Centers
07/13/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - U.S. Rep. John Rose Demands Biden Rescind Undemocratic and Unconstitutional Abortion Executive Order
06/27/2022 Letter to Hon. Merrick B. Garland, Attorney General - Tillis Leads Letter Urging DOJ to Prosecute Criminals Responsible for Violence Against Pro-Life Groups In North Carolina
05/12/2022 Letter to Merrick B. Garland, Attorney General of the U.S. Department of Justice - Mullin Combats Intimidation Tactics of Pro-Abortion Activists
04/05/2022 Letter to Hon. Catherine Szpindor, Chief Administrative Officer U.S. House of Representatives - House Republicans Implore House Chief Administrative Officer to Immediately Terminate Citigroup Contract
02/28/2022 Letter to Hon. Robert Califf, US Food and Drug Administration - Latta, Hyde-smith Lead Call for FDA to Immediately Restore Oversight of Chemical Abortion Pills
02/22/2022 Letter to Hon. Robert Califf, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration - Hoeven Joins Bicameral Effort Urging FDA to Immediately Restore Oversight of Chemical Abortion Pills
02/18/2022 Letter to Robert Califf, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration - Kennedy, Hyde-Smith condemn FDA's removal of patient safeguards regarding chemical abortion drug
01/20/2022 Letter to Hon. Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General - Blackburn, Hartzler, Smith, Colleagues Request GAO Report On Federal Funding For Abortion Advocacy Groups
08/18/2021 Letter to Hon. Merrick Garland, United States Attorney General; and Hon. Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Sen. Cramer, Colleagues Demand Justice for Conscience Rights of Health Care Workers
08/12/2021 Letter to Merrick Garland, Attorney General and Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Sens. Cruz, Lankford, Colleagues Demand Justice for Conscience Rights of Health Care Workers
08/11/2021 Letter to Hon. Merrick Garland, United States Attorney General; and Hon. Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Harris and Colleagues React After DOJ Voluntarily Dismisses Lawsuit Against Hospital that Forced Nurses to Assist in Elective Abortions Against their Conscience
04/22/2021 Letter to Hon. Janet Woodcock, Acting Commissioner - Latta, Hyde-Smith Lead Bicameral Letter Urging FDA to Protect Women and Babies from the Consequences of Chemical Abortions
04/15/2021 Letter to the Hon. Joe Biden, President of the United States, and Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Cassidy, 100 Colleagues Urge Biden Administration to Retain the Protect Life Rule on Title X Funding
02/22/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Cotton, Bishop to President Biden: Withdraw Becerra
01/26/2021 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House; Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader; Hon. Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader; and Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader - Cole Signs Letter Demanding Protection of Hyde Amendment
01/26/2021 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House; Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader; Hon. Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader; and Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader - Lucas Joins Colleagues to Oppose the Repeal of the Hyde Amendment
08/12/2020 Letter to the Hon. Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury - Davidson and Braun Spearhead Pro-Life Letter to Treasury
06/05/2020 Letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy - Conaway Urges Pelosi and House Leadership to Protect Life in COVID-19 Legislation
05/22/2020 Letter to the Hon. Jovita Carranza, Admin. of the Small Business Administration - Rubio Leads Colleagues in Requesting Full SBA Investigation Over Planned Parenthood Improperly Receiving PPP Loans
04/14/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Congressman Lamborn Leads Pro-Life Letter
02/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Rep. Hice Spearheads Letter Thanking President for Pro-life, Pro-Family Policies
10/16/2019 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, United States Secretary of Health and Human Services - Thank You for the Decision on Electively-Aborted Human Fetal Tissue
10/01/2019 Letter to the Hon. William Barr, United States Attorney General - Banks Leads 67 House Republicans in Calling on DOJ to Assist Investigation Into Discovery of Fetal Remains
07/01/2019 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of the HHS - Senate, House Lawmaker Press HHS to End Hidden Abortion Surcharge

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