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Chris Murphy's Public Statements on Issue: Family


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (CT) - Jr

Date Title
03/16/2020 Van Hollen, Casey, Colleagues Press Trump Administration on Needs of Children and Early Care Providers During Coronavirus Pandemic
03/04/2020 Senators Murray and Murphy Statements on FDA Rule to Ban Use of Electrical Shock Devices on Children and Adults with Disabilities
10/17/2019 Murphy Introduces Resolution to Protect Education for Children in Conflict Zones
09/20/2019 Murphy, Cramer, Braun, Jones Resolution Supporting Diaper Banks Passes Senate
08/01/2019 Murphy: What Is the Administration Getting for The Bear Hug They've Put Around Saudi Arabia?
07/24/2019 Murphy Statement on Trump Administration's Proposal to Cut Food Stamps for Millions of Americans
06/08/2018 Murphy, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Halt Seperation of Immigrant Families
06/14/2016 Blumenthal, Murphy, DeLauro, Himes Applaud Over $3.4 Million To Improve Access To Child Care And Job Training
04/28/2016 Cárdenas Reintroduces Medicaid Coverage Bill Geared Towards At-Risk Youth
04/25/2016 Murphy, Blumenthal, Larson, Bronin Announce Department Of Justice Grant To Help Hartford Youth Reintegration
08/27/2015 Connecticut Delegation Announces More Than $9 Million in Grants to Protect CT Families, Children from Lead Poisoning
06/26/2015 Murphy Statement On Supreme Court Marriage Equality Ruling
03/19/2015 Murphy, Booker, Clark, Davis, & Scott Introduce Bill to Establish Positive School Climate for Students
03/06/2015 Murphy, Blumenthal, Esty Issue Statement on Sandy Hook Advisory Commission Report
02/17/2015 The Hill - SenatorPushes Bill on Vaccine Education
07/31/2014 Murphy Statement on GOP Obstruction of Emergency Funding for Border Crisis
06/30/2014 Himes, Blumenthal, Murphy Applaud $30 Million Grant for South Norwalk
08/12/2013 Murphy Statement on New Justice Department Policies
06/26/2013 Murphy Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on Marriage Equality Cases