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Gus Bilirakis' Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (FL) - District 12

Date Title
02/03/2022 Meuser Introduces Bill to Demand Transparency for Illegal Immigrant Transit in the United States
05/21/2019 Cunningham, Bilirakis Introduce the VA Community Infrastructure Act
10/25/2018 Bilirakis Continues His Advocacy of Ridge Road Extension Project
07/27/2017 Committee Advances Bilirakis Self-Driving Car Legislation
07/19/2017 Bilirakis Praises Progress on Self-Driving Car Legislation
04/05/2017 Bilirakis: "Hillsborough County is leading the charge to bring technology to public transportation"
11/15/2016 Bilirakis Joins House Committee to Examine Self-Driving Cars
09/25/2015 Bilirakis Continues Work to Ensure Automotive Safety
09/03/2015 Bilirakis Statement on Denied Request for Federal Disaster Declaration
08/25/2015 Bilirakis Applauds Governor for Requesting Federal Disaster Declaration, Urges FEMA to Expedite Request
07/30/2015 Bilirakis: Flood Insurance Program Must be Transparent
10/15/2014 Bilirakis Comments on Ebola Crisis
06/06/2012 Hearing of the Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications Subcommittee of the House Homeland Security Committee - The National Preparedness Report: Assessing the State of Preparedness
05/08/2012 Rep. Bilirakis Statement on Latest Foiled Underwear Bomb Plot
04/23/2012 A Look Ahead: House Committee on Homeland Security
04/17/2012 Hearing of the Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications Subcommittee of the House Homeland Security Committee - Taking Measure of Countermeasures (Part 3): Protecting the Protectors
03/29/2012 Hearing of the Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications Subcommittee of the House Homeland Security Committee - The Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Request for the Department Homeland Security's Office of Health Affairs
06/23/2011 Hearing of the Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications Subcommittee of the House Homeland Security Committee - "H.R. ___, The WMD Prevention and Preparedness Act of 2011"
03/09/2011 Hearing of the Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications Subcommittee of the House Homeland Security Committee - "Ensuring Effective Preparedness and Response - An Assessment of the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Request for the Federal Emergency...
12/16/2010 Rep. Bilirakis Statement on Trillion Dollar Omnibus Spending Bill
10/07/2009 Rep. Bilirakis: Fema Halts Funding For ACORN Fire Grant