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Debbie Mucarsel-Powell's Public Statements on Issue: Government Operations

On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (FL) - Jr

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Date Title
09/23/2020 Letter to Christopher Way, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - After Reports Of Disinformation Targeting Florida Latino Voters, Mucarsel-Powell And Castro Send Letter Requesting FBI Investigation
09/15/2020 Letter to the Hon. Joseph Cuffari, Inspector General of the Dept. of Homeland Security - 173 Members of Congress Urge DHS Inspector General to Open Investigation Into Whistleblower Allegations Regarding High Rates of Hysterectomies Being Performed on Immigrant Women
09/03/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump, Pesident of the United States - Reps. Mucarsel-Powell, Sires, Shalala and Colleagues Urge President Trump to Stop Deporting Nicaraguan Activists
08/21/2020 Letter to the Hon. Carolyn Maloney, Chairwoman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform - Mucarsel-Powell Submits Questions To Oversight Committee For Postmaster General DeJoy To Answer At Monday's Hearing
08/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Louis DeJoy, Postmaster General - Dingell Leads Over 100 Bipartisan House Members in Urging Postmaster General to Properly Execute Delivery of Mail-in Ballots
08/19/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump, President of the United States - Florida Congressional Democrats Blast Trump's "Empty Promises' Executive Actions
08/12/2020 Letter to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy - Pelosi, Maloney Joined by 192 House Democrats in Calling on Postmaster General to Reverse Assault on Postal Service
07/30/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Blumenauer Leads 100+ Bipartisan Members of Congress in Urging Relief for Independent Restaurants
07/22/2020 Letter to Attorney William Barr, Attorney General and Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security - Rep. Kirkpatrick Joins Colleagues in Demanding Answers About Deployment of Unidentified Federal Law Enforcement Personnel and Ongoing Actions in Portland
06/24/2020 Letter to Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida - Fla. Dems. Call on Gov. DeSantis to Confront Surge in COVID-19 Cases
06/18/2020 Letter to Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida - Hastings, Frankel Lead Florida Democrats in Urging Governor DeSantis to Immediately Reestablish Communications with the Congressional Delegation
05/08/2020 Letter to the Hon. Michael Horowitz, Inspector General of the Dept. of Justice - House Judiciary Democrats Call for IG Investigation into AG Barr's Politicization of DOJ
05/07/2020 Letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Kevin McCarthy - Pingree, Golden Urge at least $3.5B in Additional Relief for Fishermen
05/01/2020 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Spanberger, Katko, DeFazio, & Davis Lead Bipartisan Letter Calling for Congress to Support Counties in Upcoming COVID-19 Response Packages
04/29/2020 Letter to The Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of The House of Representatives, and The Hon. Kevin Mc Carthy, House Minority Leader - Moulton, Fitzpatrick, 142 Other Members of Congress and Nation's Leading Nonprofits Urge House Leadership to Support Relief for America's Nonprofits
04/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Stanton Urges Federal Government to Ease Financial Burden of COVID Response for States, Cities and Tribes
04/15/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Congressman Panetta Joins 70 Members of Congress in Calling for House to Ensure Americans Can Vote Amid COVID-19
04/15/2020 Letter to U.S. Department of Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross - Rubio, Bipartisan Colleagues Urge Department of Commerce to Provide Relief for Florida's Fishing and Seafood Industry
04/09/2020 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Connolly, Crist Lead Request for Emergency Assistance for State and Local Governments
03/23/2020 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House; Steny Hoyer, House Majority Leader; Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader; Majority Whip James Clyburn; and Minority Whip Steve Scalise - Reps. Miller and Foster Lead Bipartisan Letter to Support Gig Economy Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic
03/23/2020 Letter to President Donald Trump - Connolly, Over 120 House Democrats Urge Trump to Drop ACA Lawsuit During Coronavirus Pandemic
03/23/2020 Letter to Mike Pence, Vice President of the U.S and Chairman of the White House Coronavirus Task Force - Congressman Cohen Leads Letter to White House Coronavirus Task Force
03/20/2020 Letter to Acting Secretary Chad Wolf, Department of Homeland Security - Connolly, Bicameral Group of Members Press Trump Administration on Reports DHS is Preparing Mass Deportations of DREAMers
03/13/2020 Letter to Dr. Steven Dillingham, Dir. of the United States Census Bureau - 100 Members of Congress, Led by Congressman David Trone, Seek Answers on Census Amid COVID-19 Outbreak
02/24/2020 Letter to David Ferriero, U.S. Archivist for the National Archives and Records Administration - Speier, Members of Congress Urge Archivist to Certify ERA Now!

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