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Doug Jones' Public Statements on Issue: Business and Consumers

Date Title
09/17/2020 Kennedy Introduces Bill to Forgive Ppp, Eidl Loans for Small Businesses Hit by Hurricanes
09/17/2020 Senator Doug Jones Proposes Bipartisan Loan Forgiveness Legislation for Disaster-Hit Small Businesses
09/16/2020 Senator Doug Jones on Government Watchdog's Recommendations to Improve Administration's Tariff Exclusion Process
04/21/2020 Senator Doug Jones Statement on Passage of Legislation to Expand Testing, Provide Additional Relief for Small Businesses and Hospitals
04/17/2020 Senators Release 'Paycheck Security' Grant Proposal to Help Businesses Keep Workers on Payrolls
12/13/2019 Cotton, Jones, and Merkley Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Stop Predatory Unsolicited Loans
11/21/2019 Senator Jones Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Protect and Increase Red Snapper Populations
08/29/2019 Senator Jones Announces Bipartisan Family Farmer Relief Act Signed into Law by President Trump
06/10/2019 Warner, Cotton, Jones, Rounds, Unveil Draft Legislation to Improve Corporate Transparency and Combat Financing of Terrorism, Money Laundering
05/23/2019 Senate Passes Jones-Sponsored Bill to Decrease Unwanted Robocalls
05/02/2019 Scott, Jones Introduce Bill to Allow State Insurance Commissioner a Vote on the Financial Stability Oversight Council
04/12/2019 Sens. Scott, Reed and Jones Introduce Resolution on Financial Literacy Month
04/05/2019 Senator Jones Joins Bipartisan Group to Introduce Legislative Package to Help Americans Save for Retirement
03/14/2019 Senators Jones, Toomey Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Spur Main Street Investments
02/06/2019 Senator Jones Statement on CFPB Decision to Weaken Payday Lending Protections
01/15/2019 Senators Jones and Alexander Re-Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Delay Auto Tariffs
12/19/2018 Following Request by Sens. Toomey, Jones, and Carper, GAO to Review Commerce Department's 232 Exclusion Process
08/29/2018 Senator Jones Statement on Decision by the International Trade Commission to Reverse Harmful Newsprint Tariffs
05/25/2018 Heller, Bipartisan Group of Senators Partner to Introduce Legislation to Support Nevada's Rural Small Businesses