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Colleen Hanabusa's Public Statements on Issue: Education

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Date Title
06/27/2012 Hawaii to Receive More Than $45 Million in Title I Education Money
06/26/2012 Title IX Turns 40
06/15/2012 Windward Community College to Receive $460,000 to Help Disadvantaged Youth Go On to College
06/15/2012 U.S. Department of Commerce Invests $2 Million to Expand Job Training in Hawaii's Culinary Arts Industry
05/18/2012 Letter to Conferees
05/10/2012 Hawaii Schools to Receive Nearly $1.4 Million for College Preparation
05/04/2012 Hawaii Retains $75 Million Race to the Top Grant
04/27/2012 Hanabusa Votes to Protect Preventive Healthcare, Encourages Common Sense Action on Student Loan Interest Rate Extension
04/25/2012 Stafford Loans
03/22/2012 CAPAC Members Applaud Department of Interior Efforts to Preserve World War II Japanese American Internment Sites
02/28/2012 Hanabusa Votes to End Federal Credit-Hour Mandate
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Education
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Veterans
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Jobs and the Economy
12/19/2011 Omnibus Spending Bill for Fiscal Year 2012 Includes Hawaii Funding
09/13/2011 Empowering Parents Through Quality Charter Schools Act
07/19/2011 Hawaii to Receive More than $13 Million in Native Hawaiian Education Grants
07/08/2011 Hawaii to Receive More Than $117 Million in Education Money for Fiscal Year 2011
05/06/2011 Hawaii to Receive more than $47 Million in Title I Education Money
03/02/2011 Congresswoman Hanabusa's Statement on Passage of Short-Term Spending Bill
03/16/2010 Congressional Candidates Square Off
Issue Position: Making College More Affordable
Issue Position: Education
Issue Position: National Security
Issue Position: Jobs and Economy

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