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Mike Levin's Public Statements on Issue: Energy


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 49

Date Title
11/21/2022 Rep. Mike Levin Introduces Legislation to Improve Public Engagement with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
09/30/2022 Rep. Mike Levin Statement on One-Year Anniversary of Amplify Energy's Orange County Oil Spill
09/20/2022 Department of Energy Awards Funding Rep. Mike Levin Secured to Advance Consent-Based Storage of Nuclear Waste
08/03/2022 Rep. Mike Levin Reintroduces Bill to Require NRC Inspectors at Nuclear Power Plants During Spent Fuel Transfers
07/29/2022 House Passes Rep. Mike Levin's Desalination and Energy Legislation as Part of Major Drought and Wildfire Bill
05/19/2022 Rep. Mike Levin Introduces Bill to Crack Down on Big Oil Gas Price Gouging
12/15/2021 Rep. Mike Levin Statement on Indictment of Amplify Energy Over Orange County Oil Spill
11/30/2021 Funding Secured by Rep. Mike Levin Advances Department of Energy Move Towards Addressing Nation's Spent Nuclear Fuel Challenge
11/09/2021 Rep. Levin Calls for Climate Action at COP26 in Scotland
11/12/2020 Rep. Mike Levin Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Solar Jobs Through the Investment Tax Credit
05/04/2020 Casten Leads Letter to Mitigate Risk To Financial System and Consumers As Oil and Gas Markets Face Turmoil
11/20/2019 Rep. Mike Levin's Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Renewable Energy on Public Lands Passes House Natural Resources Committee
09/25/2019 Bonamici Leads Colleagues in Resolution Recognizing Need to Take Action on Climate after Dire IPCC Ocean and Cryosphere Report
07/19/2019 Bishop, Gosar, Levin, LaMalfa, Lowenthal, Tipton, and Huffman Introduce Bill to Increase Renewable Energy on Public Lands
06/14/2019 Representative Levin Introduces Legislation to Strengthen Public Land Protections and Increase Community Participation in Federal Oil and Gas Leasing Program
05/24/2019 Representative Introduces Legislation to Prioritize San Onofre for Spent Nuclear Fuel Removal
05/23/2019 House Committee Approves Levin Request for $25 Million in Appropriations to Expedite Removal of Spent Nuclear Fuel from SONGS and Other Decommissioning Plants
05/21/2019 Representative Levin Statement on NRC Decision to Allow Spent Nuclear Fuel Loading at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
03/25/2019 Representative Levin Responds to NRC Enforcement Decision Regarding Fuel-Loading Incident at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
02/12/2019 Representative Levin Highlights Importance of a Just Transition to Renewable Energy Jobs for Fossil Fuel Workers During House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources Hearing