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Abigail Spanberger's Public Statements on Issue: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Date Title
07/19/2022 Spanberger Votes to Protect Marriage Equality
08/24/2021 Spanberger Votes to Pass John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, Restore Key Voter Protections Across the Country
06/25/2021 Spanberger Leads Introduction of Bipartisan Bill to Help Incorporate Community Trust into Police Metrics, Improve Community Policing Efforts in Central Virginia & Across the Country
04/15/2021 Spanberger Presses for Pay Equity Amid Economic Recovery, Votes to Pass the Bipartisan Paycheck Fairness Act
03/18/2021 As Autocrats Use New Technology to Strengthen Their Grip, Phillips Helps Introduce Legislation to Combat Oppressive Government Surveillance
03/03/2021 Spanberger Votes to Pass George Floyd Justice in Policing Act
02/25/2021 U.S. House Passes Bill Spanberger Helped Introduce to Afford LGBTQ+ Americans Equal Protection Under Law
06/17/2020 Spanberger Backs Justice in Policing Act, Reaffirms Commitment to Addressing Systemic Racism & Racial Injustice
06/06/2020 Spanberger to Host Telephone Town Hall Focused on COVID-19's Disproportionate Impacts on Central Virginia's Minority Communities
02/20/2020 Spanberger Concludes Two-Day, Civil Rights-Focused Tour in Central Virginia, Advocates for the Dignity of All Seventh District Residents
05/21/2019 Spanberger Statement on 100th Anniversary of House Passage of the 19th Amendment
05/17/2019 U.S. House Passes Bipartisan Bill Spanberger Helped Introduce to Protect LGBTQ Americans Equally Under Law
03/04/2019 Spanberger Helps Introduce Legislation to Preserve Voting Protections, Defend the Rights of Virginians