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Kevin Hern's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (OK) - District 1

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Date Title
12/10/2020 Hern named Chairman of the RSC Budget and Spending Task Force
12/03/2020 Hern introduces HERCULES Act to limit federal waste
12/01/2020 Hern introduces energy bill protecting low-income and minority communities
10/15/2020 ICYMI: Hern headlines Biz2Credit Webinar on Small Business & COVID-19
08/04/2020 Hern introduces Equal Opportunity First Amendment Act
07/29/2020 Hern votes for WRDA, includes funds for Tulsa projects
07/20/2020 Oklahoma Congressional Delegation Welcomes Proposal to Congress from State and Tribal Nations
07/17/2020 Hern introduces resolution condemning Modern Monetary Theory
06/26/2020 Sherrill, Hern Introduce Legislation to Expand Telehealth Access for Medicare Recipients
06/11/2020 Hern Introduces the America: First Act, Forcing Transparency from Universities Who Accept Foreign Funding
06/01/2020 Hern statement on George Floyd and the 99th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre
05/15/2020 Hern votes against unpopular HEROES Act & proxy voting
04/28/2020 Hern calls on Congress to get back to work
03/24/2020 Rep. Hern holds virtual town hall to answer coronavirus concerns
03/13/2020 Rep. Hern calls on Pelosi to keep Congress in session to work on COVID-19 funding bill
03/12/2020 Rep. Hern joins GOP colleagues in boycott of Natural Resources Committee hearing
03/09/2020 Murphy Introduces Legislation to Save $15 Billion in Federal Spending
03/09/2020 Rep. Hern signs on to bill allowing expansion of physician-owned hospitals
03/04/2020 Rep. Hern votes in favor of coronavirus supplemental funding package
03/03/2020 U.S. Department of Commerce Invests $1.1 Million to Improve Freight Rail Connector Needed to Serve Businesses in Catoosa, Oklahoma, Port
02/10/2020 President's Budget Builds Strong Future for Veterans Care in Eastern Oklahoma
01/08/2020 U.S. House Passes Veasey Bill: The Capturing of All Small Businesses Act (H.R. 5130)
11/05/2019 Rep. Hern introduces legislation that requires CBO to utilize dynamic scoring on legislation
02/26/2019 Members of Congress Introduce Resolution to Recognize the National Debt as A Threat to National Security
01/23/2019 Rep. Kevin Hern appointed to Natural Resources, Budget and Small Business Committees

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