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Max Rose's Public Statements on Issue: Veterans

Date Title
11/23/2020 Letter to National Archives and Records Administration Director Scott Levins - Palazzo Cosigns Letter Expressing Concerns Over Backlog of Veterans Records Requests
08/25/2020 Letter to the Hon. Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City - Rose Calls on de Blasio to Take Steps to Reduce Veteran Homelessness
03/23/2020 Letter to the Hon. Robert Wilkie, Secretary of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs - As Brooklyn VA Prepares to be Central Treatment Center for NYC Veterans with COVID-19, Rose Calls for Increase in Capacity
03/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York - As Hospitals Face Capacity Limits, Rose Proposes Examining VA Facilities as Option to Expand Healthcare Capacity
03/18/2020 Letter to the Hon. Robert Wilkie, Secretary of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs - Peterson Pressing VA for Answers on Coronavirus Response
03/18/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Following Rose Push, House Passes Fix to Keep Veterans Student Housing
02/13/2020 Letter to President Donald Trump - Chairman Takano, 77 Members Call on President Trump to Grant Relief to 190,000 Ill Veterans
11/12/2019 Letter to Nita Lowey, Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, Richard Shelby, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Kay Granger, Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee, and Patrick Leahy, Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee - Kuster Leads Bipartisan Letter Requesting Increased Funding for Veterans Housing Program
10/30/2019 Letter to the Hon. Robert Wilkie, Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs - Kuster, Walorski Lead Bipartisan Letter Calling on VA Clinicians to Check State Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs
10/01/2019 Letter to Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture - Representative Mike Levin Leads 39 House Members Highlighting Harmful Impact of Proposed SNAP Restrictions on Veterans
08/15/2019 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Rose Requests White House Install Staten Island Artist's Installation to Shine a Light on Veteran Suicide
08/14/2019 Letter to the Hon. Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York, NY - Rose Challenges NYC Mayor: Join the Mayor's Challenge to Combat Veteran Suicide
08/12/2019 Letter to the Robert Wilkie, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs - Senate, House Leaders Demand VA Fix Emergency Care Claims Errors Impacting an Estimated 60,800 Veterans
07/23/2019 Letter to the Hon. Robert Wilkie, Secretary of the U.S. Veterans Affairs - Chairman Takano questions VA decision to delay processing for all Blue Water Navy claims
06/10/2019 Letter to the Hon. Robert Wilkie, Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs - Norcross, Brown Lead Bipartisan Letter Pushing Back Against Department Of Veterans Affairs' Union-Busting Efforts
04/03/2019 Letter to Under Secretary James Stewart - Congressman Max Rose Pushes to End Staten Island as Forgotten Borough for Military Housing
03/25/2019 Letter to the Hon. Michael Shores, Director of the Office of Regulation Policy and Management at the Department of Veterans Affairs - Takano, Tester Take VA to Task over Proposed Access Standards
03/22/2019 Letter to Secretary Wilkie, Secretary of Veterans Affairs - Rep. Spanberger Joins Bipartisan Letter Urging Improved Treatment of Women Veterans at VA Healthcare Facilities
11/30/2018 Letter to Congressional Colleagues - 130 Democratic Members Sign Letter of Support for Rep. Mark Takano to Become Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs