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Sharice Davids' Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (KS) - District 3

Date Title
07/15/2022 Letter to Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, and Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House - Closing the Coverage Gap in Reconciliation to Improve the Health of our Neighbors in Non-Expansion States
04/13/2022 Letter to Hon. Zoe Lofgren, Chair Committee on House Administration, and Hon. Rodney Davis, Ranking Member Committee on House Administration - Rep. Delgado Urges Advancement of Bipartisan Legislation to Prevent Insider Trading by Members of Congress
09/07/2021 Letter to the Hon. Thomas J. Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - O'Halleran Advocates for Animal Safety in Extreme Weather Events
12/09/2020 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House; Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader; Hon. Steve Scalise, Senate Minority Whip - PPP Tax Deductibility
12/09/2020 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House; Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minor Leader; Hon. Steny Hoyer, House Majority Leader; Hon. Steve Scalise, House Minority Whip - Rep. Austin Scott Fights for COVID-19 Tax Relief for Small Businesses
01/10/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader and the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - 70+ House Members Urge Senate to Reject Judicial Nominee Vandyke for his Anti-LGBTQ+ Beliefs
08/07/2019 Letter to Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Sen. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader - Rep. Raskin Calls on House and Senate Leadership to Take Immediate Action to Address Rising Threat of White Supremacist Terrorism
11/28/2018 Letter to Democratic Colleagues - 165 House Democrats Join Letter Supporting Luján for Assistant Democratic Leader