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Lynn Jenkins' Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance

Date Title
05/24/2017 Rep. Lynn Jenkins' Statement on Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City
05/04/2017 Rep. Jenkins' Statement on the American Health Care Act
05/02/2017 Rice, Cartwright, Jenkins Bill Would Help Medicare Patients Get Better Access to Audiology Services
07/06/2015 Congresswoman Jenkins Introduces Bill To Help Critical Access Hospitals In Kansas & Nationwide
04/30/2015 Reps. Jenkins, Cleaver Introduce Legislation To Expand Access To Rural Anesthesiology Care
03/05/2015 Reps. Jenkins, Kind Introduce The Restoring Access To Medication Act
10/27/2014 Press Release on First Debate
07/30/2014 Congresswoman Jenkins' Bill To Provide More Certainty To Patients & Providers In Rural Communities Passes Favorably Out Of Committee
07/25/2014 Congresswoman Jenkins Marks International Self-Care Day
06/30/2014 Black, Bachmann, Ellmers, Foxx, Jenkins, Lummis, McMorris Rodgers, Miller, Roby, Wagner Respond to Supreme Court Ruling in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby
03/05/2014 House Passes Jenkins' Bill To Provide Fairness For All Americans
02/28/2014 Congresswoman Jenkins Introduces The Simple Fairness Act
11/15/2013 Congresswoman Jenkins Supports Bipartisan "Keep Your Health Plan Act"
11/06/2013 Congresswoman Jenkins on Subpoena for ObamaCare Enrollment Data
10/27/2013 Rep. Lynn Jenkins Weekly Update: Constitutional Amendment; House Bill Authorizes Topeka Levee Project; ObamaCare Failures Continue
09/23/2013 Letter to Secretary Jacob Lew, Dept. of Treasury & Acting Commissioner Daniel Werfel, IRS - ACA and Taxes
08/07/2013 Congresswoman Jenkins Responds to White House Attempt to Change Health Care Law
08/05/2013 Congresswoman Jenkins Introduces Bill to Protect Uninsured from ObamaCare Tax if Exchanges Fail to Be Ready by Deadline
07/25/2013 Rep. Jenkins Introduces Bill to Allow Use of Medical Savings Accounts to Purchase OTC Medications
07/18/2013 RWPC Members Vote to Delay Obamacare Implementation
09/30/2012 Jenkins Wins Debate by Talking About Solutions
07/14/2011 Roberts and Jenkins Introduce Bill to Repeal Portion of Health Care Reform Law
04/01/2011 National Public Radio-Republicans Challenge AARP's Tax-Exempt Status
01/13/2009 Jenkins: Cover Low- Income Uninsured Children First