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Brett Guthrie's Public Statements on Issue: Energy


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (KY) - District 2

Date Title
12/09/2020 Guthrie Energy Efficiency Bill Passes House
09/10/2020 Guthrie Bills Advance to House Floor
02/17/2017 Guthrie Fights Burdensome Regulations
04/26/2016 Congressman Guthrie Votes for Comprehensive Energy, Environment Bills
03/03/2016 Congressman Guthrie Votes to Delay EPA Rules Until Completion of Judicial Review
12/03/2015 Guthrie Votes to Update Energy Laws and Oppose President Obama's War on Coal
06/24/2015 Guthrie Supports Whitfield Bill to Rein in EPA, Protect Consumers
03/02/2015 Guthrie Leads Congressional Letter to FERC
01/28/2015 Guthrie Votes to Speed up Review Process of LNG Exports
01/21/2015 Guthrie Votes to Modernize Pipeline Permitting, Utilize Affordable Domestic Energy
01/09/2015 Guthrie Votes to Build Keystone XL Pipeline, Boost Economy and Grow Jobs
11/14/2014 Guthrie Votes for 9th Time in Support of Keystone XL Pipeline
09/18/2014 Guthrie Backs Energy Package that Will Lower Energy Costs and Grow Jobs
06/26/2014 Guthrie Supports Legislation to Lower Gasoline Prices, Boost American Energy Initiatives
06/02/2014 Guthrie: New EPA Rules Could Cripple Kentucky's Economy
12/16/2013 Senator McConnell Leads Kentucky Delegation in Filing Amicus Brief at U.S. Supreme Court to Support Kentucky Coal Jobs
06/25/2013 Guthrie: Coal Lowers Energy Costs, Creates Jobs
09/21/2012 Guthrie Supports Package of Bills to Stop the War on Coal
09/14/2012 Guthrie Supports Bill to Prevent Risky Loans from DOE
07/23/2012 Guthrie Calls on Administration to Support Keystone XL Pipeline
06/21/2012 Guthrie votes to curb regulations, increase production of oil
05/25/2012 Guthrie Tour Cannelton Lock and Dam Hydroelectric Construction Site
04/27/2012 Energy and Commerce Leaders Investigate Whether EPA Official's Enforcement "Philosophy" to "Crucify" American Energy Companies Resulted in Abuse of Public Trust
06/24/2011 Guthrie: Cutting Federal Spending Among Ways to Create Jobs
12/09/2010 Guthrie appointed to Energy and Commerce Committee for 112th