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Mike Capuano's Public Statements on Issue: Business and Consumers

Date Title
06/13/2017 ICYMI: Democrats Stand United Against the Wrong Choice Act
05/01/2017 ICYMI: Financial Services Committee Dems Fight Back Against the Wrong Choice Act
10/30/2015 Export-Import Bank Reauthorization
10/30/2015 Investment Protections
06/05/2015 Reps. Capuano, Garrett Introduce Bill to Limit Fed's Bailout Authority
02/13/2015 Rep. Capuano Introduces Subsidy Reserve Act
04/23/2014 E-Update: The Boston Marathon, Everett Chamber of Commerce, and Somerville
04/25/2013 Rep. Capuano and Sen. Menendez Reintroduce Shareholder Protection Act
03/14/2013 Waters and Capuano Reintroduce Bill to Strengthen Federal Housing Administration
12/03/2012 Ranking Member Capuano Releases Addendum to Majority Staff Report on MF Global
11/29/2012 Reps. Frank and Capuano Introduce Legislation to Merge the SEC and CFTC
01/18/2012 Congressman Capuano Urges SEC to Take Action Regarding Citizens United Decision
05/05/2011 Sens. Franken, Menendez, Reps. Conyers, Gutierrez, Capuano Release GAO Report Investigating Foreclosure "Robo-Signing"
03/17/2010 Capuano And Cleaver: Municipal Bonds To Be Rated With Fairness
01/22/2010 Capuano Urges Administration To Stop TARP Recipients From Paying Out Big Bonuses
12/01/2009 Capuano Joins Patrick Kennedy And Jim Langevin In Calling For Credit Card Reform
05/07/2009 House Committee Holds Hearing on Congressman Capuano's Hedge Fund Bill
01/27/2009 Capuano, Castle Bill Would Improve Oversight of Hedge Funds
01/22/2009 Capuano Provisions Included in TARP Accountability Act
09/15/2008 Raises Concerns about the Federal Reserve's Recent Actions to Stabilize Financial Markets
09/10/2008 Committee Leaders Call for Oversight of Pension Investments In Hedge Funds, Private Equity
04/09/2008 Capuano Files Resolution Calling on President Bush to Boycott Olympics Opening Ceremony Due to China's Inaction on Darfur