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Andrew Clyde's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (GA) - District 9

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Date Title
06/24/2022 Rep Clyde Applauds Major Victory for Life
05/19/2022 Rep. Clyde Blasts Democrats' Socialist Price Fixing Bill
05/11/2022 Clyde: We Can Support Ukraine Without Neglecting Americans
03/30/2022 Rep. Boebert Introduces Resolution Honoring the Fastest Female Swimmer in the NCAA Division I Women's 500-Yard Freestyle
03/10/2022 Rep. Clyde Rejects Democrats' Radical and Reckless Spending Package
03/09/2022 Second Amendment Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Lauren Boebert Takes Action to End Federal Gun Registry
03/01/2022 Rep. Clyde Issues Statement on H.R. 55
02/09/2022 Rep. Clyde Condemns Democrats' Sham Continuing Resolution
01/14/2022 Carter, Entire Georgia Delegation File Resolution Congratulating UGA Bulldogs for College Football National Championship
01/04/2022 Congressman Biggs Demands Hearing on the Treatment of January 6 Defendants
12/30/2021 Reps. Allen, Stefanik, Foxx, Banks, Sen. Braun Lead Opposition to Biden Vaccine Mandate in Upcoming SCOTUS Case
12/16/2021 Letter to Hon. Denis McDonough, Secretary of Veteran Affairs - Congressman Good and Congressman Lamborn Send Letter to Secretary McDonough
12/08/2021 Rep. Clyde Applauds Passage of FY22 NDAA
12/02/2021 Rep. Clyde Rejects Democrats' Irresponsible Continuing Resolution
11/19/2021 Rep. Clyde Denounces Democrats' Big Government Socialist Spending Bill
11/12/2021 Rep. Clyde Demands Answers from Biden Administration After Houthis Take Over U.S. Embassy
11/07/2021 Rep. Clyde Slams Democrats' So-Called Infrastructure Bill
11/04/2021 Rep. Clyde Continues to Fight Back Against Biden's Unconstitutional COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
11/01/2021 Rep. Clyde: Stop the Spread at the Southern Border
10/26/2021 Rep. Clyde Introduces Legislation to Improve Rural Broadband Mapping for FCC Grant Funding
09/24/2021 Rep. Clyde statement on H.R. 3755, the "Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act"
09/23/2021 Rep. Clyde statement on the passage of the FY22 National Defense Authorization Act
08/31/2021 Rep. Clyde calls on the President of the United States, Joe Biden, and top officials at the Departments of Defense and State to resign
08/15/2021 Rep. Clyde Issues Statement on the Fall of Afghanistan

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