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Andy Harris' Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (MD) - District 1

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Date Title
10/31/2019 Harris statement on impeachment vote
10/03/2019 GOP Doctors Caucus Encourages CMS to Include Global Codes in 2020 E/M Adjustment
07/25/2019 Congressman Harris Statement on Robocall Bill
07/24/2019 Rep. Harris Statement on the Budget Deal
07/24/2019 Harris Statement on Fiscally Irresponsible Bill Offering Temporary Protected Status to Venezuelan Immigrants
07/23/2019 Harris Statement on Senate Passage of 9/11 Bill
07/19/2019 Rep. Harris Statement on the Cadillac Tax
07/19/2019 Harris Statement on Raising the Minimum Wage
07/17/2019 Blumenauer, Harris, Lofgren, Griffith, Dingell, Bishop Introduce Medical Marijuana Research Act of 2019
07/15/2019 Rep. Harris Statement on H.R. 1327
06/25/2019 Statement by Congressman Harris on Supplemental Appropriations for Humanitarian Programs at Southern Border
06/24/2019 Harris Urges Federal Trade Commission to Act on Harm of Attorney Advertising
06/11/2019 Committee on Appropriations Passes H-2B Amendment Cosponsored by Rep. Andy Harris
06/05/2019 Harris Supports Trump Administration Decision to End Inappropriate Use of Human Fetal Tissue in Research
06/04/2019 Harris Applauds Emphasis On Hazard Evaluation of Offshore Wind
04/03/2019 Congressman Harris Applauds Department of Homeland Security for H-2B Visa Increase
04/01/2019 Harris, 80 Members of the House of Representatives Introduce the Conscience Protection Act
03/26/2019 Rep. Harris' Statement on Failed Veto Override
03/25/2019 Congressman Andy Harris' Statement on the Mueller Report
02/27/2019 Resolution To Recognize the National Debt as a Threat to National Security
02/27/2019 Rep. Andy Harris' Statement on Gun Background Checks Bill
02/26/2019 Congressman Andy Harris' Statement on H.J. Res. 46
02/15/2019 Congressman Andy Harris' Statement on President Trump's Declaration of a National Emergency to Protect Border Security
02/14/2019 Congressman Andy Harris' Statement on the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2019
02/06/2019 Congressman Andy Harris' Remarks on the State of the Union

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