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Anthony Brown's Public Statements on Issue: Foreign Aid

Date Title
08/02/2022 Letter to Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Antony Blinken, Secretary of State, Samantha Power, Administrator for the US Agency for International Development - Schakowsky, Lee, Blumenthal, and Booker Lead Colleagues in Pressing Federal Agencies to Reinforce Helms Amendment Exceptions to Countries and Organizations That Receive U.S. Foreign Assistance
05/23/2022 Letter to Samantha Power, Administrator U.S. Agency for International Development - Pressley, Schakowsky, Levin, McGovern, and Wilson Lead Colleagues in Urging USAID to Ensure Food Security in Haiti
02/22/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States - Pledge for a Replenishment in the Global Fund
07/23/2021 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House and Hon. Charles Schumer, Majority Leader of the Senate - Jayapal Leads Lawmakers in Calling for $34 Billion to Improve Global Vaccine Distribution
06/16/2021 Letter to the Hon. Betty McCollum, Chair of House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense and the Hon. Ken Calvert, Ranking Member of House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense - To Request Funding To Strengthen Diplomatic, Military, And S
04/29/2021 Letter to the Hon. Antony Blinken, Secretary of State - Brown, Meeks, Clarke And Plaskett Urge Biden Administration Action To Curb COVID-19 In Jamaica
02/17/2021 Letter to President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas - Sen. Van Hollen, Rep. Brown Lead New Bicameral Push To Protect Cameroonians In The Face Of Mounting Violence
08/26/2020 Letter to the Hon. John Barsa, Acting Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development - Congresswomen Meng and Lee Spearhead Letter to Head of USAID Calling for Changes to Agency's New Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Policy
07/01/2020 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House and Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Reps. Frankel, Rooney Lead 123 Members of Congress in Requesting Robust Funding for the International Response to COVID-19
10/10/2019 Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States - Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher Requests Information on President Trump's Decision to Withdraw U.S. Troops From Syria
09/28/2018 Letter to the Hon. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of the US Department of State - Reps. Smith, Price, Welch and Over 100 House Democrats Urge Trump Administration to Reverse Decision To Slash Critical Aid for Regional Stability in the Middle East
05/29/2018 Letter to the Hon. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State - Protect Colombian Human Rights Defenders, Social Leaders Amid Dangerous Escalation of Targeted Murders
11/06/2017 Letter to the Hon. Mick Mulvaney, Director of the Office of Management and Budget - Yoho, Smith Lead Colleagues in Calling for Transparency in Proposed Redesign of U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development
03/09/2017 Letter to the Hon. Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State - Congress Members Urge Tillerson to Use Diplomacy to Reopen Yemen Port to Urgent Humanitarian Aid