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Norm Coleman's Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch

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Date Title
03/07/2007 Opening Statement: Senator Norm Coleman Ranking Minority Member Senate Permanent Subcommittee On Investigations Hearing On Credit Card Practices: Fees
03/07/2007 Hearing Statement: Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), Credit Card Practices: Fees, Interest Rates, and Grace Periods
11/16/2006 National Bible Week
06/07/2006 Coleman: Senate Fails to Protect Marriage from Activist Judges
03/01/2006 Colemn Praises Qualifications of Patirck J. Schiltz for Federal Judgeship at Senate Confirmation Hearing
01/25/2006 Executive Session
01/24/2006 Statement from Senator Coleman on Judiciary Committee Approval of Judge Alito
01/13/2006 Sen Coleman Statement on Upcoming Judge Alito Vote
10/26/2005 In Memory of Rosa L. Parks
09/27/2005 Executive Session
09/09/2005 Honoring Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist
09/05/2005 Statement by Senator Norm Coleman on the Nomination of John Roberts for Chief Justice
09/04/2005 Statement by Senator Norm Colemant on the Passing of Chief Justice Rehnquist
07/20/2005 Nomination of John Roberts to the United States Supreme Court
07/19/2005 Statement by Senator Coleman on Nomination of Judge John Roberts, Jr.
07/13/2005 Department Of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2006
07/13/2005 U.N. Reform
07/01/2005 Statement By Senator Norm Coleman On Justice Oconnor's Announced Retirement
06/09/2005 Coleman Commends Senate Confirmation of Justice William Pryor
06/08/2005 Coleman Praises Senate Confirmation of Justice Janice Rogers Brown
05/25/2005 Statement on the Nomination of Justice Priscilla Owen to the U. S. Court of Appeals
05/24/2005 Statement from Senator Coleman on Judicial Nominee Compromise
05/12/2005 Judicial Nominations
04/21/2005 Judicial Nominations
04/11/2005 MSNBC Hardball - Transcript

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