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Norm Coleman's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance

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Date Title
02/28/2007 Letter to The Honorable Kent Conrad, Chairman Senate Budget Committee and The Honorable Judd Gregg, Ranking Member Senate Budget Committee
02/07/2007 Coleman Joins Bipartisan Effort To Ensure Strength Of Social Security And Medicare Programs
12/11/2006 Coleman Says Healthcare Provisions In Tax Extender Bill Vital To Rural Minnesota
08/04/2006 Coleman Calls on CMS to Fix Billing Problem with Medicare Part D Program
07/26/2006 Coleman Leads Delegation Effort to Release Medicaid Funding for Minnesota
05/18/2006 Coleman Joins Colleagues in Introducting Bill to Eliminate Late Enrollment Penalty for Part D
02/28/2006 Enzi Working for Medicare Mobility Systems
04/28/2005 Statement from Senator Coleman on Passage of the Budget
03/20/2005 Associated Press- Coleman Striking More Independent Path in 2005
03/17/2005 Senate Passes Smith, Coleman Amendment to Stop Medicaid Cuts
03/16/2005 Congressional Budget for the United States Government for the Fiscal Year 2006
03/14/2005 Smith, Coleman to Introduce Amendment to Stop Medicaid Cuts
02/07/2005 Senator Norm Coleman Reacts to the President's Budget Proposal
12/03/2004 Statement From Senator Coleman on Outgoing HHS Secretrary Tommy Thompson
03/03/2004 Jumpstart our Business Strength (Jobs) Act
11/24/2003 Statement from Senator Coleman on Pending Medicare Legislation in the Senate
02/11/2003 Estrada Nomination
Issue Position: Government Accountability
Issue Postion: Balancing The Budget, Promoting Fiscal Responsibility in Washington
Issue Postion: Healthcare

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