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Blaine Luetkemeyer's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action

Date Title
02/18/2021 Luetkemeyer Introduces the Modernizing America's Apprenticeships Act
11/18/2020 Luetkemeyer Introduces Modernizing America's Apprenticeships Act
07/25/2019 Luetkemeyer & Blunt Introduce Legislation to Provide Certainty to Pension Beneficiaries
10/02/2017 Luetkemeyer, Colleagues Request Accountability from OPM for Administration of VERA-VSIP Programs
10/02/2015 Blaine's Bulletin: The Importance of Manufacturing
06/05/2015 Blog: Subcommittee Conducts Oversight on Hurricane Sandy Claims
04/03/2014 Luetkemeyer Votes to Avert "30-Hour Rule" Work Week as the Norm for Millions of Americans
01/31/2014 Congressman Luetkemeyer Says Report Shows Now is the Time for President to Approve Keystone
12/12/2013 Luetkemeyer Praises Boeing Decision to Bring Technology Center to Missouri, Creating Jobs
06/21/2012 Luetkemeyer Supports Domestic Energy and Jobs Act to Create Jobs, Address Gas Prices
04/19/2012 Luetkemeyer Announces Backing for New Missouri Job-Creating Energy Source
01/18/2012 Luetkemeyer Continues Fight Against Proposed Regulations Restricting Youth Farming
12/20/2011 Luetkemeyer Successful in Securing Extension to Federal Regulation Impacting State Career Centers
11/30/2011 Luetkemeyer Backs Effort to Protect American Employers' Free Speech and Workers' Free Choice
11/03/2011 Luetkemeyer Continues to Support Small Businesses by Removing Obstacles to Job Creation
10/28/2011 Luetkemeyer: Labor Department Extends Comment Period on Youth Ag Employment Rule
10/25/2011 Luetkemeyer Takes Issue with Labor's Proposed Rule on Youth Agriculture Employment
06/30/2010 Luetkemeyer Votes to Shield Taxpayers from Subsidizing Union Activities
03/12/2010 News For The Ninth
04/02/2009 Luetkemeyer Bill Allows Criminal Background Checks for Electronic Life Safety, Security, and Systems Industry Professionals