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Candice Miller's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

Date Title
01/05/2016 Rep. Miller on State of the Great Lakes
07/14/2015 Rep. Miller on Enbridge Recommendations
06/24/2015 House Passes Bill to Stop EPA's Pending CO2 Regulation from Shutting Down More Michigan Power Plants and Increasing Electricity Rates
06/12/2015 Rep. Miller Congratulates ITC Transmission on Completion of Thumb Loop Project
05/12/2015 Rep. Miller Applauds USDA Loan to Thumb Electric Cooperative of Michigan
11/14/2014 Rep. Miller Votes to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline, Again
09/18/2014 US Department of Agriculture Awards Grants Totaling Over $200,000 to Local Businesses for Renewable Energy and Energy-Saving Projects
07/11/2014 House Passes Energy & Water Bill Essential to Great Lakes
07/26/2011 Rep. Miller: Time for Action to Create Jobs and Meet Our Energy Needs
06/23/2011 Rep. Miller Statement on President's Decision to Tap Strategic Petroleum Reserve
05/13/2011 Miller: Update on PHMSA's Review of Bruce Power's Shipping Plan
05/05/2011 Miller: We Must End the Pain at the Pump by Reducing Our Energy Costs and Become More Energy Independent
10/12/2010 Miller: EPA Announces One-Year Extension for Dairy Producers
08/12/2010 Miller: Update on the Stability of Enbridge Line 6B
08/04/2010 Miller: Investigate the Stability of Entire Enbridge Line 6B
07/01/2010 Miller: Monitoring System to Provide Accurate Flow Rate in the Event of a Spill Disaster
06/25/2009 Rep. Miller: Cap And Trade Is Bad For Michigan, America
06/19/2009 Rep. Miller Praises Senate Passage Of Cash For Clunkers
10/30/2008 Rep. Miller Calls on the Department of Energy to Provide Loans to Automakers
08/18/2008 Rep. Miller Takes to the House Floor to Call for Energy Vote
08/01/2008 Rep. Miller Speaks Out Against Adjournment
07/24/2008 Rep. Miller Joins House Republicans to Urge Passage of the "American Energy Act"
04/24/2008 Rep. Miller Cheers Passage of Ballast Water Legislation
06/22/2007 Rep. Miller Blasts CAFE Provisions in Seante Energy Bill
03/26/2007 Op-Ed: Big Stakes on Climate for Detroit