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Jon Tester's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MT) - Jr

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Date Title
03/07/2022 Tester Backs Legislation to Ban Stock Trading in Congress
08/05/2021 Tester Statement Following Alarming Watchdog Reports on VA Handling of Military Sexual Trauma
02/13/2021 Tester Statement on Impeachment Vote
10/08/2020 Tester Statement on President Trump Walking Away from Additional COVID Relief Negotiations
10/08/2020 Tester Statement on President Trump Walking Away from Additional COVID Relief Negotiations
07/23/2020 Sens. Moran, Tester Applaud Senate Confirmation of two Judges to U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
02/13/2020 Tester Votes to Prevent War With Iran Without Congressional Approval
01/14/2020 What They Are Saying: VA Secretary, Senate & House VA Committee Members Applaud Sen. Moran's Confirmation as Chairman of the Senate VA Committee
01/13/2020 Tester Welcomes Moran Partnership on the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
12/04/2019 On Senate Floor, Ranking Member Tester Pays Tribute to Chairman Isakson's Service to Veterans
11/21/2019 Isakson, Tester Applaud Senate Confirmation of Nominee for Veterans' Employment Agency
10/17/2019 Bennet, Gardner, Tester Reintroduce Bill to Ban Members of Congress from Becoming Lobbyists
01/03/2019 Tester Sworn in for Third U.S. Senate Term
01/19/2018 McCaskill Bill Would Mean No Pay for Congress During a Shutdown
12/05/2017 Tester Continues Work To Secure Border, Confirms President Trump's Homeland Security Secretary Nominee
10/25/2017 Tester Approves Three Nominees to Serve Veterans at VA
09/14/2017 Tester Statement on the Confirmation of Montana U.S. Attorney Kurt Alme
06/13/2017 U.S. House Passes Tester's Bipartisan VA Accountability Bill
04/07/2017 Tester Statement on the Confirmation of Justice Neil Gorsuch
04/05/2017 U.S. House Unanimously Passes Tester's Bill to Improve the VA Choice Program
04/02/2017 Tester: 'I Cannot Support a Nominee Who Refuses to Answer Important Questions'
03/24/2017 Tester Statement on House Health Care Bill
03/23/2017 Tester Statement on Cancelled House Health Care Bill Vote
03/20/2017 Tester: Montanans Deserve to See Gorsuch's Answers 'For Themselves'
03/20/2017 Tester Statement on Veterans Crisis Line Inspector General Report

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