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Jon Tester's Public Statements on Issue: National Security


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MT) - Jr

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Date Title
01/06/2022 Tester Statement on the Anniversary of the January 6th Capitol Insurrection
11/05/2021 Tester's Bipartisan Bill to Support First Responders Clears Senate, Heading for President's Signature
08/26/2021 Tester, Moran Statement on Kabul Terrorist Attacks
04/15/2021 Tester Statement on Damning Watchdog Report on Veterans Crisis Line Responder Missteps
09/11/2020 Tester Statement on Anniversary of September 11th Attacks
08/17/2020 Sens. Moran, Tester Bill Expanding Protections for Military Families Impacted by COVID-19 Signed Into Law
07/29/2020 Tester Urges VA to Bolster Telehealth Services for Veterans in Rural Areas During COVID-19 Pandemic
07/22/2020 Congressional Leaders Introduce Bill to Provide Benefits to Veterans and Military Families Fighting COVID-19
07/20/2020 Moran, Tester Bill to Expand Protections for Military Families Impacted by COVID-19 Heads to President's Desk
07/02/2020 As COVID-19 Cases Surge, Tester Seeks Answers on VA's Capacity to Protect Health Care Workforce & Veterans
06/11/2020 Senate Passes Tester, Moran Bill to Expand Protections for Military Families Impacted by COVID-19
06/10/2020 Tester Presses VA Officials at Hearing to Build Resilient Supply Chain to Protect Veterans from COVID-19: "We're not where we need to be'
06/10/2020 Senate Passes Bill to Expand Servicemembers' Legal Protections During COVID-19
05/20/2020 58 rural Montana health providers to receive $2.8 million for testing, Tester announces
05/19/2020 Tester presses Treasury Secretary for more transparency on $3 trillion in pandemic relief funds
05/14/2020 Senate unanimously passes Tester bill guaranteeing benefits to families of fallen or disabled pandemic first responders
05/14/2020 Tester: Effective rural broadband development is critical amid COVID-19 crisis
05/13/2020 Tester announces nearly $50 million headed to Montana to expand COVID-19 testing
05/13/2020 Tester announces $264,651 for pandemic telehealth programs
05/08/2020 Tester announces $3.3 million in housing relief during pandemic
05/08/2020 Tester, Moran introduce legislation to expand protections for military families impacted by COVID-19
05/07/2020 Tester secures more than $9.1 million for Montana health centers for COVID-19 response
05/07/2020 Tester secures $3 million for 14 Montana community health centers to expand COVID-19 testing
05/07/2020 VA boosts emergency assistance to homeless veterans during COVID-19 crisis following Tester effort
05/06/2020 All VA health care workers fighting COVID-19 will get personal protective equipment following Tester push

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