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Claire McCaskill's Public Statements on Issue: Senior Citizens

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Date Title
04/23/2018 Letter to Alex Azar, Health and Human Services Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury, and Alexander Acosta, Secretary of Labor - Halt Expansion of Junk Health Insurance Plans
09/12/2016 Letter to the Hon. Richard Corday, Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - Regarding the Wells Fargo Unauthorized Credit Card and Account Scandal
08/15/2016 Letter to Carolyn Colvin, Acting Commissioner of the Social Security Administration - Seniors Will No Longer Need Cell Phones to Access Social Security Accounts Online
05/12/2016 Letter to Credit Reporting Agencies - Fighting to Protect Consumers
04/19/2016 Letter to Carolyn Colvin, Acting Commissioner of Social Security - Fighting to Restore St. Louis Workers' Social Security Benefits
04/15/2016 Letter to The Honorable Jacob Lew, Secretary of Treasury - Warning Treasury Secretary That Looming Pension Cuts Would Hurt Retirees in Minnesota, Across Country
02/02/2016 Letter to the Honorable Kenneth Feinberg, Special Master for Implementation of the Treasury Department - On the Protection of Pension Plans of Central State Pension Plans
10/06/2015 Letter to the Hon. Stephen Ostroff, Acting Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration - Pull Memory Supplements with Synthesized Ingredients from Shelves
09/23/2015 Letter to Andy Slavitt, Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Calling on Medicare & Medicaid to Ban Long-Term Care Facilities from Using Unfair Arbitration Clauses
07/08/2015 Letter to Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States - Request for GAO to Undertake a Review of Medicaid in Assisted Living Facilities
06/15/2015 Letter to Major Dietary Supplements Retailers - Dietary Supplements Targeting Seniors
06/15/2015 Letter to Stephen Ostroff, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration - Dietary Supplements Targeting Seniors
06/01/2015 Letter to Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Secretary of Health and Human Services - FDA Regulations for Compounding and Repackaging Biologics
04/23/2015 Letter to Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General - Student Loan Repayment for Older Americans
01/09/2015 Letter to Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader, United States Senate - Protect Social Security from Partisan Extremists
06/17/2013 Letter to Sens. Begich, Murkowski, Boxer, Feinstein, Bennet, Udall, Blumenthal, Murphy, Cowan, Warren, Heller, Reid, Ayotte, Shaheen, Menendez, Reed, Whitehouse - Disparity in Medicare's Hospital Wage Index
06/13/2013 Letter to Sens. Sessions, Shelby, Flake, McCain, Boozman, Carper, Coons, Nelson, Rubio, Chambliss, Isakson, Hirono, Schatz, Crapo, Risch, Durbin, Kirk, Coats, Donnelly, Harkin, Paul, Landrieu, Collins, King, Levin, Stabenow, Cochran, Baucus, Tester, Fischer, Johanns, Heinrich, Udall, Gillibrand, Schumer, Heitkamp, Hoeven, Wyden, Casey, Toomey, Graham, Scott, Johnson, Thune, Alexander, Corker, Cornyn, Cruz, Hatch, Lee, Leahy, Sanders, Cantwell, Murray, Manchin, Rockerfeller, Johnson, Barrasso - Disparity in Medicare's Hospital Wage Index System
05/13/2013 Letter to Comptroller General Dodaro - Forensic Audit of Lifeline Program
05/31/2011 Letter to The Honorable Joe Biden, Vice President
05/14/2011 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Privatizing Medicare
05/05/2011 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Medicare
04/05/2011 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives - Congressional Pay
09/24/2009 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Virginia's Model of Medicare
05/22/2009 Letter To The Honorable Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner, Social Security Administration
12/18/2008 Letter to The Honorable Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner of Social Security and The Honorable Douglas Shulman, Commissioner of Internal Revenue

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