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Lloyd Doggett II's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (TX) - District 37

Date Title
06/18/2020 Relief Now for Dreamers, Duty for Senate to Finally Pass Dream and Promise Act
01/13/2020 Castro, Doggett, Escobar Demand Answers From ICE on Nefarious Contracts With Three Texas Detention Centers
03/21/2019 Standing With Our Wartime Partners: Texas Democrats Press CBP on Deported, Detained U.S. Military Translators from Iraq & Afghanistan
01/09/2019 Reps. Jesús "Chuy" García & Lloyd Doggett Lead 50+ Lawmakers Urging Trump to Keep IRS Tax Refunds on Time
01/08/2019 Statement from Congressman Doggett Ahead of President Trump's Border Address
12/11/2018 Congressman Doggett Reacts to President Trump's Threat of #TrumpShutdown
10/25/2018 Rep. Lloyd Doggett on Trump's Comment About Sending the Military to Southern Border
08/08/2018 Rep. Doggett Calls for ICE to Release Dreamer on Parole
06/07/2018 Reps. Doggett & Cummings: DOJ Response to Whistleblower Immigration Judge Inquiry Fails to Address Allegations and Renews Concerns of Politicization
09/05/2017 Trump Turns Dreamers into Bargaining Chips
07/27/2017 'Deep Six' Republican Superrich Sequel
06/29/2017 "Anti-Immigrant Bill is Sanctuary for Prejudice"
06/28/2017 Rep. Doggett: Anti-Immigrant Bill Puts Politics Over Public Safety
02/22/2017 Statesman: Central Texas members of Congress react to Trump deportation rules
02/16/2017 Standing in Support of Our DREAMers
01/25/2017 U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett: President Trump's Anti-Immigrant Orders--Broken Promise, Improper Overreach
01/25/2017 U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett Issues Statement on Governor Greg Abbott's Unlawful Demands Interfering with Local Law Enforcement
12/12/2016 Rep. Lloyd Doggett - Working to protect asylum seekers and their children
02/12/2013 Rep. Doggett Responds to State of the Union Address
01/29/2013 Rep. Doggett On Senate, President Obama Plan For Immigration Reform
06/25/2012 U.S. Congressman Lloyd Doggett Statement On Supreme Court's Arizona Immigration Law Decision
05/01/2012 Letter to Mr. Alejandro Mayorkas, Director U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services