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Richard Burr's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

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Date Title
04/07/2017 Bipartisan Group of Senators Look to Gain Permanent Reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund
04/06/2017 Letter to the Honorable Susan Collins, the Honorable Jack Reed, Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development - Calling for Funding to Advance Self-Driving Vehicles
04/04/2017 Senators Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Expand ABLE Accounts
03/30/2017 Senate Passes Bill to Improve Charlotte Weather Radar
03/29/2017 Sens Burr, Nelson, Rubio and Tillis Fight for Health Care for Camp Lejeune Toxic Exposure Victims
03/29/2017 Senate Passes Resolution Honoring Vietnam Veterans
03/27/2017 Chairman Burr and Vice Chairman Warner Statement on Kushner's Voluntary Participation in SSCI Investigation
03/27/2017 Chairman Burr and Vice Chairman Warner Statement on Kushner's Voluntary Participation in SSCI Investigation
03/22/2017 Senate Intel Chairman Burr Statement on Attack in London
03/15/2017 Senate Intel Chairman Burr Statement on Senate Confirmation of Dan Coats to be Director of National Intelligence
03/14/2017 Dept. Of Veterans Affairs Begins Providing Compensation to Lejeune Veterans Affected by Tainted Water
03/13/2017 Burr Statement on the Confirmation of CMS Administrator Seema Verma
03/08/2017 Sens. Burr, Cantwell & Tillis Reintroduce Bill to Identify Solutions for Inadequate Weather Radar, Rep. Pittenger Introduces House Companion
03/07/2017 Senators Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Permanently Authorize, Fully Fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund
03/07/2017 Burr Statement on House GOP's American Healthcare Act
03/06/2017 Letter to the Honorable John Kelly, Secretary of Department of Homeland Security - Outlining Concerns with H-2B Visa Cap
03/05/2017 Senate Intel Chairman Burr Statement on Committee's Ongoing Investigation into Russian Intelligence Activities
03/03/2017 Senators Burr and Tillis React to North Carolina VA Wait Time Report
03/02/2017 Burr Statement on the Confirmation of Energy Secretary Perry
03/02/2017 Burr Statement on the Confirmation of HUD Secretary Carson
03/01/2017 Burr Statement on the Confirmation of Interior Secretary Zinke
02/28/2017 Burr Statement on President Trump's Joint Session of Congress: It's Time to Work Together
02/27/2017 Burr Statement on the Confirmation of Commerce Secretary Ross
02/14/2017 Burr Statement on the Confirmation of Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon
02/13/2017 Burr Statement on the Confirmation of Veterans Affairs Secretary Shulkin

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