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Ed Whitfield's Public Statements on Issue: Business and Consumers

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Date Title
07/15/2016 Whitfield Supports 3 Bills Countering Iranian Aggression
04/15/2016 Whitfield Supports Two Bills Aimed at "Main Street" Regulatory Relief
03/16/2016 Whitfield Votes to Ease Burden on Small-Business Broadband Providers
03/03/2016 Whitfield Leads Charge in Protecting Brick Industry from Costly Regulations
12/11/2015 Whitfield Votes in Support of Trade and Economic Security
12/01/2015 Upton and Whitfield Applaud Passage of Resolutions to Keep Electricity Affordable and Reliable
09/17/2015 Committee Votes to #LiftTheBan on Crude Oil
09/08/2015 #SubEnergyPower to Vote on Oil Exports Bill THURSDAY
07/09/2015 Subcommittee Examines Legislation to Lift 40-Year-Old Ban on Crude Oil Exports
01/14/2015 Whitfield Works to Create Jobs and Fuel the Economy
11/20/2014 House Votes to Promote Manufacturing Renaissance, Create US Jobs
06/25/2014 Whitfield Ushers North American Energy Infrastructure Act through the House of Representatives
06/02/2014 Whitfield Responds to Obama's Latest Attempt to "Bankrupt" the Coal Industry
06/02/2014 Upton and Whitfield Respond to EPA's Cap-and-Trade Proposal
05/29/2014 Whitfield Works to Cut Federal Red Tape and Create Jobs
05/29/2014 Obama's EPA to Cost Americans "Billions of Dollars and Hundreds of Thousands of Jobs"
04/09/2014 Subcommittee Advances Bill to Speed Up LNG Exports
04/03/2014 Whitfield Votes to Protect American Workers
03/14/2014 Bipartisan Sunscreen Innovation Act Seeks to Speed Better Sunscreens onto U.S. Shelves
02/21/2014 EPA's Ever-Expanding Web of Red Tape
10/28/2013 Whitfield Unveils Plan to Keep American Electricity Affordable and Reliable
10/15/2013 Upton and Whitfield Welcome Supreme Court's Review of EPA's Regulatory Authority
07/31/2013 Whitfield and Cassidy Kick Off Debate on Energy Consumers Relief Act
07/16/2012 Members Hear Local Perspective on EPA's War on Coal
06/28/2012 Subcommittee Members Express Concern that EPA's New Particulate Matter Standard Blocks Economic Growth

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