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Ed Whitfield's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action

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Date Title
04/28/2016 Whitfield Votes to Simplify Americans Ability to Save for Retirement
04/23/2015 #SubEnergyPower Works to Bridge the Gap #4jobs
01/28/2015 Saying #Yes2Energy, House Votes to Create Jobs and Aid Allies
01/23/2015 Whitfield Helps Successfully Secure $4.5 Million Reemployment Training Grant for Paducah and Madisonville
09/18/2014 Whitfield Stands Firm for Growth of #Jobs in America
09/18/2014 House Votes to Say #Yes2Energy, Giving Senate a Second Chance to Support American Energy Solutions
09/17/2014 Subcommittee Examines Ways To Create More Energy #Jobs For Minorities
09/16/2014 House to Vote to Lower Energy Costs, Create Jobs
07/24/2014 Whitfield Investigates Impacts of Energy Policies on Jobs
06/24/2014 Whitfield Works to Protect Coal Miner Health Care Benefits
06/12/2014 Whitfield Works to Grow Manufacturing and Boost Jobs
05/22/2014 Obama's Administration Continues to Undermine Veterans and Small Businesses
05/22/2014 Whitfield, Polis, Perlmutter Praise Inclusion of Cold War Atomic Worker Benefits Amendment in NDAA
05/14/2014 Subcommittee to Review Draft Bill to Promote New Manufacturing and Job Creation
04/30/2014 Rush, Whitfield, Johnson Introduces the 21st Century Energy Workforce Development Jobs Initiative Act of 2014
04/03/2014 Whitfield Votes to Protect American Workers
01/28/2014 Whitfield Statement on Tonight's State of the Union Address
08/01/2013 Whitfield, Polis & Perlmutter Introduce Bill to Strengthen Oversight and Improve Benefits of EEOICPA
07/31/2013 Whitfield Meets with New Leadership Overseeing Jobs Corps Program
07/08/2013 Whitfield Introduces Bill to Protect Coal Miners' Health Care Benefits
06/04/2013 McConnell, Paul And Whitfield Meet With Energy Secretary Moniz And Deputy Secretary Poneman To Discuss Paducah DOE Site
07/26/2012 Hoeven, McCarthy, Republican Leaders Launch the Domestic Energy and Jobs Act of 2012
06/21/2012 House Votes to Remove Roadblocks to American Energy Production and Job Creation
12/21/2011 EPA Never Considers the Costs in Communities Where the Jobs Are Lost
07/27/2011 House Subcommittee on Energy and Power Passes Whitfield Bill to Re-Enrich Uranium Tails

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