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Roger Wicker's Public Statements on Issue: Technology and Communication


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (MS) - Sr

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Date Title
02/07/2022 Thune, Smith, Wicker, Casey Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Access to Rural Broadband
01/04/2022 Letter to Hon. Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security and Hon. Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation - Rosen Leads Bipartisan Letter to DHS, DOT Requesting Information on Cybersecurity of Nation's Transportation Infrastructure
10/20/2021 Cortez Masto Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Establish a National 6G Strategy to Improve Broadband Access
01/12/2021 Wicker Statement on Big Tech's Censorship of Conservatives
12/14/2020 Wicker, Thune, Moran Statement on Government Cyberattack
10/07/2020 Wicker, Thune, Walden, Guthrie, Latta Lead Bill to Open Mid-Band Spectrum for Commercial Use
09/17/2020 Wicker, Thune, Fischer, Blackburn Introduce Consumer Data Privacy Legislation
09/15/2020 Wicker, Cantwell Introduce Forensic Research and Standards Legislation
09/08/2020 Wicker, Graham, Blackburn Introduce Bill to Modify Section 230 and Empower Consumers Online
08/04/2020 Wicker, Scott Introduce Connecting Minority Communities Act
08/04/2020 Wicker Praises NOAA, U.S. Navy Plan to Develop Unmanned Maritime Systems
06/22/2020 Wicker, Capito, Blackburn Introduce Bill to Accelerate Deployment of Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Broadband Networks
06/18/2020 Wicker, Walden Release Broadband Connectivity and Digital Equity Framework
06/12/2020 Wicker, Inhofe, Cantwell, Reed Spectrum Bill Included in Armed Services Committee-Approved NDAA
05/15/2020 Wicker, Cantwell Introduce Advanced Technological Manufacturing Act
05/13/2020 Wicker, Rosen, Gardner Introduce CYBER LEAP Act to Foster Collaboration, Innovation in Cybersecurity
05/07/2020 Committee Leaders Introduce Data Privacy Bill
04/30/2020 Thune, Wicker, Moran, Blackburn Announce Plans to Introduce Data Privacy Bill
04/23/2020 FCC Votes to Advance Proposed Rulemaking to Deploy 5G Services to Rural America
03/23/2020 Bill to Improve Broadband Data Maps Signed Into Law
02/28/2020 Wicker, Thune Commend FCC Vote to Free Up Spectrum
02/27/2020 Thune, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Address the Telecommunications Workforce Shortage
02/06/2020 Wicker, Thune Commend FCC Chairman's C-band Proposal
01/27/2020 Wicker Promotes Industries of the Future
01/23/2020 Wicker Keeps Focus on Future Workforce

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