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Lindsey Graham's Public Statements

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Date Title
10/24/2006 Graham Statement on the Situation in Iraq
10/19/2006 Statement on the Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts in South Carolina
10/17/2006 President Bush Signs Military Commissions Act into Law
09/30/2006 Graham Supports Border Fencing
09/29/2006 Press Release - Dole, Graham, Withdraw Holds on Vietnam Trade Bill
09/28/2006 Graham Hails Senate Passage of Detainee Legislation
09/28/2006 Military Commissions Act of 2006
09/27/2006 Military Commissions Act of 2006
09/21/2006 Graham Statement on Bush Administration – Senate Agreement on Tribunal Legislation
09/17/2006 President Bush Signs Military Commissions Act into Law
09/17/2006 CBS Face the Nation - Transcript
09/15/2006 Graham Statement on Senate Passage of Tribunal Legislation
09/15/2006 Graham Statement on Presidential Address and Letter Submitted to Secretary Rice
09/11/2006 Graham Statement on the Five Year Anniversary of 9/11
09/07/2006 Lindsey Graham Interviewed on Fox News Channel
09/06/2006 Graham Statement on Army Field Manual and Military Tribunals
08/10/2006 Lindsey Graham on the Latest Terror Plot
08/03/2006 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007
08/03/2006 Detainee Treatment Act
08/02/2006 Graham Supports Sessions Amendment Funding Border Fencing
08/02/2006 Gulf of Mexico Energy Bill
07/26/2006 Graham Statement on the Child Custody Protection Act
07/26/2006 South Carolina and Georgia Congressional Delegations Meet with DOE Secretary and OMB Director
07/25/2006 Executive Session
07/25/2006 Graham Statement on Hutchison-Pence Immigration Reform Plan

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