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Lindsey Graham's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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Date Title
03/30/2012 Graham Applauds NRC Approval of New Nuclear Reactors
03/29/2012 Graham-Backed Provision Leads to SRS Tank Closure
03/04/2012 Obama Administration Made the Wrong Call on Keystone XL
02/09/2012 Graham Pleased Nuclear Power Permits Issued By NRC
01/30/2012 Graham Sponsors Legislation to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline
11/18/2011 Letter to Dianne Feinstein, Chairwoman of the US Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, Rodney Frelinghuysen, US House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, Lamar Alexander, Ranking Member of the US Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development and Pete Visclosky, Ranking Member of the US House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development - Regarding the Storage of Nuclear Waste Inside Yucca Mountain
10/31/2011 Graham Pleased with DOE Decision to Keep H-Canyon Operable
04/07/2011 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Gas Prices
11/14/2010 ABC "This Week" - Transcript
06/29/2010 The New York Times - Obama Stresses Need for Price on Carbon as Dems Look to Compromise
06/10/2010 Resolution Of Disapproval Of EPA Rule-Motion To Proceed
06/10/2010 Graham Supports Murkowski Amendment Limiting EPA Ability to Regulate Greenhouse Gases
05/12/2010 Graham on the American Power Act
05/07/2010 Graham on Energy Independence
03/31/2010 Graham Reaction to Obama Speech on Drilling
03/10/2010 Bipartisan Bicameral Coalition Introduces Legislation Creating Rural Energy Savings Program
02/16/2010 Graham Applauds Loan Guarantees for Construction of New Nuclear Plants
01/27/2010 Graham on Energy Independence and Climate Change
01/27/2010 Graham Reacts to the State of the Union Address to the Nation
12/18/2009 Graham on Copenhagen Climate Summit
11/08/2009 Op-Ed: Becoming Energy Independent, Cleaning our Environment
11/05/2009 Graham Responds to Climate Bill Passing Through Committee
10/10/2009 Op-Ed: Yes We Can Pass Climate Change Legislation
10/08/2009 Letter to the Honorable Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader and The Honorable Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader of the Senate
06/28/2009 NBC "Meet The Press" - Transcript

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