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John Ensign's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

Date Title
03/22/2011 Ensign Speech to Nevada Legislature
03/10/2011 FLOOR SPEECH: Moving America toward Energy Independence
05/27/2010 Reid, Ensign Unveil Job-Creating Clean Energy Bills to Benefit Rural Nevada
09/04/2008 Remarks As Prepared for Delivery: U.S. Sen. John Ensign (Nev.)
01/18/2007 Energy
11/16/2006 United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act
08/03/2006 Hearing Before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on S. 2589, the Nuclear Fuel Management and Disposal Act
06/14/2006 Hearing of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on "Alternative Energy Technologies
06/14/2006 Hearing of the Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee on Alternative Energy Technologies
03/07/2006 Making Available Funds for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, 2006
03/07/2006 Making Available Funds for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, 2006--Continued
03/02/2006 Making Available Funds for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, 2006
07/27/2005 Ensign, Reid Applaud Inclusion of Consumer Protection Provision in Energy Bill
07/20/2005 Ensign, Reid Letter Calls for Inclusion of Enron Provision in Energy Bill
06/28/2005 Energy Bill ContainsEnsign, Reid Ratepauer Protection Measure
05/19/2005 Ensign, Reid Secure Amendment Aimed at Relief for Nevada Power Ratepayers
04/28/2005 Ensign Expresses Concern Over Gas Prices
04/05/2005 Ensign Testifies: We Cannot Afford to Continue this Project
03/16/2005 Ensign: ANWR Oil Exploration Important to America's Future
06/10/2003 Amendment No. 875
04/08/2003 Letter to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Pat Wood III
02/25/2003 Letter to President George W. Bush