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George Bush's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas

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Date Title
02/27/2006 President Addresses National Governors Association Meeting
09/19/2005 President Meets with Homeland Security Council
09/01/2005 President Asks Bush and Clinton to Assist in Hurricane Relief Efforts
06/18/2005 President's Radio Address
02/24/2005 President and President Putin Discuss Strong U.S.-Russian Partnership
05/04/2004 Remarks by the President at Michigan Rally
03/25/2004 Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception
03/20/2004 Remarks by the President at Florida Rally
11/17/2003 Interview of the President by Sir David Frost of BBCTV
11/10/2003 Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception
07/24/2003 President Discusses Economy, Jobs in Michigan
06/30/2003 Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception
06/27/2003 Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception
06/20/2003 Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception
06/17/2003 Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception
05/21/2003 Remarks by the President at 2003 President's Dinner
04/24/2003 Remarks by the President to Timken Company Employees
05/29/2002 President's Statement on Preserving Florida's Environment
02/16/2002 Remarks by the President to the Republican Party of Alaska - Anchorage
11/13/2001 President Orders Strategic Petroleum Reserve Filled
07/25/2001 Remarks by the President in Meeting with Members of Congress
10/20/2000 Discusses His Campaign for President (Interview)
10/20/2000 Discusses The Economic Aspects of His Campaign (Interview)
09/21/2000 Talks About Use of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve
01/26/2000 Final New Hampshire Republican PrimaryDebate

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