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Angus King, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Guns


On The Ballot: Running, Independent for U.S. Senate (ME) - Jr

Date Title
03/29/2019 Letter to Secretary Azar - Verify CDC's Firearm Injury Data Accuracy
08/30/2018 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education - Abandon Proposals to Use Taxpayer Dollars to Arm Teachers
03/08/2018 Letter to the Hon Thad Cochran, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the Hon Patrick Leahy, Vice Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the Hon Roy Blunt, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education and Related Agencies and the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the Hon Patty Murray, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education and Related Agencies and the Senate Appropriations Committee - Senator Cantwell, Colleagues Call for Increased Investment in Student Health, Safety
06/29/2016 Letter to the Honorable Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader of the United States Senate, and the Honorable Harry Reid, Minority Leader of the United States Senate - Urge for Senate Leadership to Support Funding Gun Violence Prevention Research, Remove Anti-Gun Safety Riders from Appropriations Legislation
06/29/2016 Letter to Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid, Respectively Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the US Senate - Urging Senate Leadership to Support Funding for Gun Violence Prevention Research, Remove Anti-Gun Safety Riders from Appropriations Legislation
06/29/2016 Letter to US Senate Members - Support Ayotte, Others' Bipartisan No Fly No Buy Bill
11/24/2015 Letter to Majority Leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan - Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists
11/24/2015 Letter to Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, and Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader - Scheduling Votes on the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act