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Evan Bayh's Public Statements

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Date Title
12/13/2010 Letter to the Honorable Lisa Jackson, Administrator, United States Environmental Protection Agency & The Honorable Jacob Lew, Director, Office of Management and Budget
12/03/2010 Letter to the White House and Congressional Leadership
08/09/2010 Letter to Administrator Lisa Jackson USEPA
06/24/2010 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Speed Up Testing for Ethanol Blended into Gasoline Supply
06/21/2010 Letter to President Colom
06/14/2010 Letter to Mr. Tony Hayward Group Chief Executive, BP
05/27/2010 Letter to Senators Reid, McConnell, Durbin and Kyl
04/15/2010 Letter to The Honorable John Kerry, The Honorable Lindsey Graham, and The Honorable Joseph Lieberman
04/15/2010 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Iran's Pursuit of Nuclear Weapons
04/13/2010 Letter to Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State - Urging Continuation of Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations
03/12/2010 Letter To President Barack Obama
02/01/2010 Letter to The President of the United States
01/27/2010 Letter Barack Obama, President of the United States - Sanction Iran Now
01/25/2010 Letter to Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, and Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security - Expediting Haitian Orphan Adoptions
12/24/2009 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Support Conrad-Gregg Fiscal Task Force Legislation
10/30/2009 Letter To The Honorable Harry Reid, Majority Leader Of The Senate
10/28/2009 Letter To The Honorable Gary Locke, Secretary Of Commerce And Ron Kirk, U.S. Trade Representative
10/23/2009 Letter to His Excellency Le Cong Phung, Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, to the United States
10/14/2009 Letter To The Honorable Harry Reid, Majority Leader Of The Senate
10/08/2009 Letter to the Honorable Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader and The Honorable Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader of the Senate
09/29/2009 Letter to Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State - Blocking Inflammatory Anti-Israel Report from Reaching UN Security Council
09/19/2009 Indianapolis Star - Brand Blazed Trails in Academia, Athletics
09/16/2009 Letter to Senator Max Baucus, Chairman Senate Finance Committee
09/04/2009 Letter To Mr. Frank Skaggs, Director, Office Of Disaster Assistance
08/06/2009 Letter to The Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States

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