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Tom Carper's Public Statements on Issue: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Date Title
11/29/2022 Sen. Carper Statement on Historic Senate Passage of the Respect for Marriage Act 
04/07/2022 Senate passes Coons-Clyburn bill to commemorate Brown v. Board of Education sites across multiple states
10/05/2021 Carper, Colleagues Introduce John Lewis Voting Rights Act to Protect Our Democracy
03/26/2021 New Report Finds Nearly 3,800 Hate Incidents Targeting AAPI Individuals in Last Year -- Murray, Cantwell Introduce Resolution Condemning Anti-Asian Hatred, Discrimination
03/24/2021 Hirono, Duckworth, Colleagues Introduce Resolution Condemning Anti-Asian Hatred, Discrimination Related to COVID-19 Pandemic
02/08/2021 In honor of Black History Month, Sen. Coons and Rep. Clyburn reintroduce bill to commemorate multi-state Brown v. Board of Education sites
01/27/2021 Murphy, Blumenthal, Carper, Senate Democrats Reintroduce Statehood Bill To Ensure Equal Representation For Over 700,000 D.C. Residents
09/17/2020 Rep. Clyburn, Sen. Coons Introduce Legislation Commemorating Multi-State Brown v. Board of Education Sites
06/18/2020 Bennet, Senate Democrats Introduce Resolution Recognizing June as LGBTQ Pride Month
06/08/2020 As Millions of Americans Call for Reforms, Carper Joins Harris, Booker, Democratic Colleagues to Introduce Landmark Legislation Increasing Transparency and Accountability in Policing
08/01/2019 Bipartisan Carper, Portman Bill to Modernize Constituent Services Passes Senate, Heads to President's Desk
07/23/2019 Following Request from Bipartisan Lawmakers, Independent Watchdog Reveals Increase of Abuse in Nursing Homes, Need for Improved Oversight
06/27/2019 Gillibrand and Schatz Announce "Restore Honor to Service Members Act" To Clear Discriminatory Records of Service Members Discharged Due To Sexual Orientation
06/12/2019 Menendez, Booker, Colleagues Introduce Resolution Recognizing June as LGBTQ Pride Month
05/03/2017 Carper, Coons Re-Introduce Comprehensive LGBT Non-Discrimination Legislation
06/05/2015 Senator Carper Statement on Reported OPM Cyber Attack
04/10/2014 Senate D.C. Budget and Legislative Autonomy Bills Introduced, Boost for D.C. Home Rule
11/07/2013 Sen. Carper on Senate Passage of ENDA: Bring First State Fairness to the Nation
09/20/2010 Carper Calls for Stronger Safeguards to Protect Personal Information from Contractor Access