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Tom Carper's Public Statements on Issue: Family

Date Title
11/19/2021 Carper Hails House Passage of the Build Back Better Act
03/06/2021 Carper Applauds Passage of American Rescue Plan to Tackle the COVID Crisis, Provide Much-Needed Relief and Get Americans Back to Work
07/16/2020 Cardin, Schumer, Senate Democrats Announce Historic Proposal For $350 Billion Investment In Communities Of Color
03/16/2020 Van Hollen, Casey, Colleagues Press Trump Administration on Needs of Children and Early Care Providers During Coronavirus Pandemic
09/17/2019 Carper Meets with Leaders of the Youth Climate Movement
10/15/2018 Grassley, Kaine Urge HHS to Move Forward on Recommendations to Help Foster Youth
06/08/2018 As Reports Increase Of Border Patrol Agents Tearing Children Away From Their Parents, Gillibrand Introduces Legislation With 31 Senate Colleagues To Halt Separation Of Immigrant Families
01/05/2018 Let's Get to Work
06/16/2017 Carper Statement on DHS DACA Announcement
06/26/2015 Carper Statement on Supreme Court's Same-Sex Marriage Decision
01/28/2015 Senator Carper Offers Proposals to Address Vulnerabilities in Medicare and Medicaid Programs
07/29/2014 Chairman Carper Urges Colleagues to Pass Emergency Supplemental Bill to Address Humanitarian Challenge at the Southern Border
07/23/2014 Newsletter: Challenges at the Border
04/08/2014 Delegation Welcomes Delaware High School Juniors And Seniors For Annual Congressional Youth Conference
06/26/2013 Senator Carper: Striking down DOMA was "right thing to do"
06/15/2012 Sen. Carper Welcomes New Administration Policy on Certain Young Immigrants
06/24/2011 Sen. Carper Co-Sponsors Reauthorization of the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act to Prevent Youth Suicide
06/17/2007 Carper's Corner